  Public Ticket #2701110
Code Tweak


  • Ronan Cahill started the conversation

    We are using Amelia to book in people for Phizer (2 jab) covid vaccine, the second jab one month after the first.

    Everythings perfect thanks a mill, great plugin.  We are sending a txt with the link to our next cohort of patients, over 85 years.  it'll have a smart link straight to the page.  A big ask I know. 

    Our issue is to auto enable the toggle for 2nd appointment (its mandatory for this vaccine).  The auto appointment is fine,  for simplicity we want the same time as first appointment.  We'd also like to hide the second bookng screens and bring them straight to the confirmation.

    So basically in jpg 1, toggle.jpg, I'd like the default toggle to be set to "on"not off and skip the next bit, remove_2nd_screen_unnesesary_jpg entirely.

    I understand that this isnt a feature you can just pop into the plugin but I've been able to get into the code and adjust the txt strings but ideally we'd like to enable the second appointment as mandatory and then hide its options.  If yout techs could guide me on where to hide/amend the code that would be great.  The txt is with smart link will be going out to a sample size of 100 over 85 year olds shortly then 500 over 80's and so on and so on so is a great case study for us and amelia. 

    Well done on a great plugin by the way, Ive used a lot of others!



  • [deleted] replied

    Hi, Ronan!

    Thank you for choosing Amelia.

    If you have Pro or Developer license, then you can use Packages. For example:

    The package includes Service 1 and Service 2. Service 1 - First vaccine shot, can be booked immediately. Service 2- Second vaccine shot, can be booked only 3-4 weeks prior (so, at the moment of booking the clients will be able to pick a date only in 3-4 weeks). 

    It won't give a chance to set a particular time automatically, of course, but will have more or less same outcome as you require: your clients will have to pick two dates for both shots and pay at once.

    Regarding the custom code: Amelia isn't an open-source plugin, therefore, unfortunately, we won't be able to provide you with a source code due to our companies policies. Also, only custom CSS/HTML are included in our support, the more complicated things fall into separate services.

    If you have any other questions, please let us know.

    Best Regards.