  Public Ticket #2694064


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    Kalimah started the conversation

    I created the site on a subdomain, and when I transferred it to the main domain, it did not change within the integration section of Amelia
    Unfortunately, this does not change from within the board, but rather is present by default

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Yahya Bakr,

    Thank you for your purchase. 

    There are two ways to change the URI. One is by inspecting the page, and the other one is by going through the database.

    1. Open Amelia Settings/Integrations/Google Calendar (or Outlook calendar; or both) and right click/inspect on the Redirect URI field. Then, modify the highlighted line and delete "readonly="readonly"". After that you will be able to change the URI right there, through settings.


    That's it, just save the new settings.

    2. More complicated method - You'll need to go into your database, but please be careful when you update the table, because if you delete or add anything else, it can cause the plugin not to work properly.

    When you access your database via PHPMyAdmin (or some other tool), access wp_options table:


    It is possible that your prefix is not "wp_", but something else, so if that is the case, please look for "your_prefix_options" table.

    When you access it, you can search through the column "option_name". Search for the term "amelia_settings":


    When you find that, you need to edit the property under "option_value" column and find the string "redirectURI". It will look something like this :


     So, all you need to do is replace it with your new website's URI:


    So basically you need to replace newsite.com with youroldsite.com and it will be shown in Google settings properly. Please note that if you use https you will need to update it also in redirectURI option. Please don't remove the escape characters ( \ ), it needs to stay in \/\/ format

    bellow the Google redirectURI here you will see the Outlook redirectURI as well, so you should change both.

    When you're done with this, please check if the URL from “Redirect URI” field and on "Create OAuth client ID" section are the same:


    and in your Outlook account as well.