  Public Ticket #2692225
Zoom links for multi-day events in notifications


  •  1
    Bettina started the conversation


    I do not see a way to add all the Zoom links for multi-day events in the confirmation notification. There's only a shortcode for the Zoom link for the first day of the event. This is a very time-consuming problem, as I have to manually email all attendees the links for the remaining days. Could you please look into this?



  • [deleted] replied

    Hi, Bettina!

    Sorry for the delayed response.

    Unfortunately, at the moment each event can have only one Zoom link, no matter how long it lasts.

    The only option that would allow to send Zoom links automatically for each day is Recurring Appointments. 

    We are always looking for ideas on how to make Amelia better. So if you have a couple of minutes, please suggest this feature on our website. The most requested features will be implemented in the coming updates.

    We would be glad to answer any other questions you may have.