  Public Ticket #2684074
Location Required


  •  4
    Emmanuel Dodoo Cann started the conversation

    Hello, please I want the location to be required but once the person clicks on continue, there is nothing to indicate that the location is required

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi, Emmanuel!

    Sorry for the delayed response.

    I'm not sure I understand your case 100%. 

    Do you mean you want the location to be a required custom field?

    If so, please make sure you connected this field to the particular services and events in Amelia -> Customize -> Custom fields and enabled the "Required" option:


    Best Regards.

  •  1
    kywong85 replied


    I had same issue with this. How to make the location field as "required"? Thank you.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi, Kywong!

    Thank you for choosing Amelia.

    Unfortunately, at the moment it's not possible to make location selection mandatory. We are always looking for ideas on how to make Amelia better. So if you have a couple of minutes, please suggest this feature on our website.

    If location selection is crucial for your business, you can use a workaround: create buttons on the page (using a page builder), that your customers will have to click on in order to see a booking form. For example:


    Each of these buttons would lead to a different page with Amelia shortcode that will display only services on this particular location, for example:

    LOCATION1 -> url1 -> [ameliabooking location=1] or [ameliacatalog location=1] 

    Thus, your customers will have to select a location first, and then start the booking. 

    Hope that will help.

    Best Regards.