  Public Ticket #2677802
automatically import customers


  • Oto Marabel started the conversation

    I like to worki with Amelia in a yoga school based in memberpress plugin to offer to users another special services. I had memberpress community an would need to use Amelia  booking in they private área. At this point I found my customers need to make a new subscription as Amelia´s customers . 

    ¿would be a way to import all my memberpress users as Amelia´s customers ?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi, Oto!

    Thank you for choosing Amelia.

    Sorry to disappoint you but at the moment it is not possible to import the employees, customers, appointments, or any other data with the files.

    This is a requested feature, and we will definitely consider adding it for some future updates.

    We would be glad to answer any other questions you may have.