  Public Ticket #2677372
shortcode not showing anything when unlogged


  • Christian started the conversation

    I create events, then I create a page with shortcode: [ameliaevents]
    when logged in (as admin or normal user), I see the list of events.
    When unlogged, shortcode is not showing anything

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello cvhenten,

    Could you please tell me do you maybe have the SiteGround Optimizer plugin? If you have it please deactivate it and check if the issue is gone afterwards, if it is then you need to exclude Amelia or the pages where you have Amelia from that plugin's optimization. If you don't have SG Optimizer please check if you have some caching/optimizing plugin , or maybe some security plugin/setting, that could be causing this on your website.

  • Christian replied

    Hi Maria

    Thanks, I disactivated SG optimizer and it works!
    Is there a way to identify what in this plugin can be tuned so that I still use this optimizer.

    Or is this plugin definitely to be uninstalled as causing such bad effects ?

  • Christian replied

    And I just made a few testing:

    Minifying on the frontend is at the cause:

    • minify html output
    • minify javascript
    • minify CSS (and maybe also combine CSS as I disactivated both)

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi there, 

    You would need to exclude Amelia or the pages where Amelia is in that plugin, in order to use both plugins. One of our users shared this with us: 

    SG support helped me to figure it out. The problem was resolved by disabling Minify CSS, Minify HTML and Minify Java in the Frontend Optimisation Sg Optimiser settings page.

    So you can try that out, and if that doesn't help, you can reach out to them and ask them how to exclude Amelia in order for it to work for non-logged in users properly.