  Public Ticket #2674117
Customer phone not coming through...


  • Simon Lobo started the conversation


    I notice %customer_phone% is not coming through in my calendar entries or in my email notifications - I var_dump'd the placeholderData in GoogleCalendarService::createEvent and got the attached - customer_phone is a boolean, false!

    On my local system it seems to work fine.

    Any ideas?



  • Simon Lobo replied

    Possibly this is an error if you are logged in to Wordpress?  It still asks for the phone number during booking, whereas it disabled the name and email fields... but the entered phone number doesn't get saved to the database even it seems...

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Simon Lobo,

    Could you please tell me have you checked whether the customer has a phone number saved in Amelia, you can check that on the Customers page? 

    If someone is booking while logged in to WordPress, customers' information in the booking form are pre-filled with that user's /customer created in Amelia for that user/ information . You shouldn't be booking test appointments while logged in to WP as an admin though, as the user can get mixed access/permissions in Amelia afterwards (the customer role could be added to the admin). Maybe it is the case when the user is logged in to WP - could you please tell me is the phone number saved for this customer or not (before this appointment) ? Did you add it in the booking process and it wasn't saved at all? 

    Could you tell me is this happening for non-logged in users?