  Public Ticket #2671099
Use/Show Appointment/Customer ID


  • Tom started the conversation


    Is it somehow possible to use the Appointment or Customer ID? Nowhere you can actually see the unique ID except directly in the database. I need to be able to see and use them in documents so I can ask customers what's their appointment and customer ID. This is also important for invoicing. 



  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Tom, 

    Thank you for your purchase. 

    There isn't a possibility to have the appointments'/customers' IDs in the back-end of Amelia with its current features, unfortunately. Like you mentioned, there are only IDs that could be seen in the database. You can suggest this as a feature request here, or check if there is such request there and vote for it.

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help out.