  Public Ticket #2669162
Change Extras Text and Display Option


  •  3
    Hussnain started the conversation


    Is there a way to change extras text from "Extra" to "Goals".

    And can we show all extras at once in boxes and users can select/deselect by clicking on each individual one?

    Thank you

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Hussnain, 

    You can change strings in the plugin by using the translation method, but in your case you would change strings in the same language, you wouldn't translate them to another one. 

    Strings can be changed using POEDIT or Loco Translate for example. If you want to use POEDIT then this is the instruction:

    1. Download Amelia from TMS Store

    2. Unzip the downloaded file.

    3. Download and install POEDIT

    4. Open the program and open the file from the extracted folder on your computer ameliabooking/languages/en_US/wpamelia-en_US.po.

    5. Change the strings you want.

    6. Save the translation.

    7. Go to ameliabooking/languages/en_US/ folder and copy these two files - wpamelia-en_US.po and wpamelia-en_US.mo back to your website to the location ../wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/languages/en_US/.

    Please note that this change would be overridden when you update Amelia, so you would need to apply it after each update of the plugin. 

    There isn't a possibility of showing extras like in your use case - there aren't options of changing the view of the Amelia booking form / extras. 

    If you have any other questions or issues feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help out.