Please check what you have set for the option Period available for booking in advance: which is set for all services in Amelia -> Settings -> General or per service when you open/edit the service modal under the Settings tab.
If that doesn't help , you can check if you maybe have some Special days / Days off , what a fellow user , Adrian, suggested.
Hello, I have successfully installed the plugin.
I added employee working days, locations, and department. I note that in front it is impossible to book after February 5, 2021.
Check the days off or special days configuration for that particular employee
Hello Stephane,
Thank you for your purchase.
Please check what you have set for the option Period available for booking in advance: which is set for all services in Amelia -> Settings -> General or per service when you open/edit the service modal under the Settings tab.
If that doesn't help , you can check if you maybe have some Special days / Days off , what a fellow user , Adrian, suggested.
Let me know if any of this helped!