  Public Ticket #2654782
Cannot book after February 5, 2021.


  • stephane started the conversation

    Hello, I have successfully installed the plugin. 

    I added employee working days, locations, and department. I note that in front it is impossible to book after February 5, 2021.

  •  1
    Adrian Gonzalez Escalante replied

    Check the days off or special days configuration for that particular employee

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Stephane, 

    Thank you for your purchase. 

    Please check what you have set for the option Period available for booking in advance:   which is set for all services in Amelia -> Settings -> General or per service when you open/edit the service modal under the Settings tab. 

    If that doesn't help , you can check if you maybe have some Special days / Days off , what a fellow user , Adrian, suggested. 

    Let me know if any of this helped!