Warning: require_once(/home/u309195910/domains/imagedesk.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u309195910/domains/imagedesk.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/vendor/autoload.php on line 5"
By the warning you got, it seems like there are some missing files, like the update wasn't successfully and fully done, for some reason.
Please update Amelia manually by following the bellow instructions and let me know if you still have the same issue afterwards.
You can update the plugin manually by following these steps:
If you have version 2.9 or a newer one please check if the option Delete plugin tables is disabled in Amelia -> Settings -> Activation before updating the plugin manually ( it is disabled by default, but just in case). If this option is enabled , deleting Amelia on the Plugins page will delete Amelia tables and data from the database as well.
2) Delete Amelia plugin from WordPress Plugins page
3) Click on Add new on Plugins page
4) Click on Upload plugin on Plugins page
5) Choose previously downloaded ameliabooking zip file
6) When uploading is done, please Activate Amelia plugin
7) Clear server and browser cache.
Please note that our plugin have a size of around 8 MB so if yo are not able to upload the plugin through WordPress plugins page, then you need to increase following:
upload_max_file size,
post_max_size ,
You should be able to find these values in your php.ini file or on your hosting panel. If you can't find it yourself please ask your hosting provider to provide it.
AGAIN your update broke our site trying to instal you update. This is unacceptable..! Seems your plugin is liability!! We should not have to back up the site every time. Do we??
The error point to the host, but I think not!
FYI wer have alto of work not yet backed up and have not yet been able to recover the site,
Error 524 Ray ID: 6164ab03ac710d42 • 2021-01-23 21:41:12 UTC A timeout occurred You Browser Working
Stockholm Cloudflare Working
xxxxxxxxx.com Host Error
What happened? The origin web server timed out responding to this request. What can I do? If you're a visitor of this website: Please try again in a few minutes. If you're the owner of this website: The connection to the origin web server was made, but the origin web server timed out before responding. The likely cause is an overloaded background task, database or application, stressing the resources on your web server. To resolve, please work with your hosting provider or web development team to free up resources for your database or overloaded application. Additional troubleshooting information here. Cloudflare Ray ID: 6164ab03ac710d42 • Your IP: • Performance & security by Cloudflare <!-- /.error-footer -->"
This plugin failed to load properly and is paused during recovery mode.
An error of type E_COMPILE_ERROR was caused in line 129 of the file /home/u309195910/domains/xxxxxxxx.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/ameliabooking.php. Error message: require_once(): Failed opening required '/home/u309195910/domains/xxxxxxxxx.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/vendor/autoload.php' (include_path='.:/opt/alt/php74/usr/share/pear')
You have delverd a critical error back to back with you lates updates. What are you doing???
I feel I should "sing" and write some 1 star reviews!
Sorry to see you had some issues with updating Amelia.
There isn't anything that could cause these issues from within Amelia, but the auto-update option depends a lot on the website/server configuration as the process is done there. This isn't a common behavior, and we haven't had such complaints. Could you please reach out to your hosting and ask them if they could check why this would be happening for Amelia auto-update? Why is it that the server timed out? Could they check the server error logs? It seems like the update isn't finished successfully because of the server timeout and you then have errors for Amelia on the website. But we can't say why the server could have this issue , as it isn't a common behavior.
This is a disapointing awnser. Cicking the ball to the hosting service after waiting 3 days.. (How can we rely your plugin to handel our 24/7 operation? )
- We did not auto update. (Now we do not dear turn it on as your plugin is a liability for the whole site..)
- We are using well established service at Hostinger
- We have not had any updating issues any of our opter plugins.
You need to check what is causing the issue on the server directly, unfortunately, we don't have access to that and can't say what could be causing this. As the server times out when Amelia is updated, the update isn't successfully done so you get errors for Amelia on the website. You need to find out what is causing these updates issues, server timeout, and this you can do only with your hosting provider, or maybe with checking the server error log. Maybe there is some limit to the upload size or similar limit on the server, that is causing this , so it needs to be increased, but this isn't something that we could tell from Amelia's side as we need to know what is causing the time out on the server when you update Amelia.
I have run this issue by the service provider and we was able to run the instalation after som special "clearing of the queue" on the server. But we have not been able to spesify what particular limitations that would cuse this. Our plan should cover most needs.. So they say: "
I would advise you to check with the plugin support, what is the resources needed for the plugin and if there are any particular limits that are needed and if any CronJobs are ran for example. As this would help us out in finding the main cause" .. "I've tried checking on the Logs of your website, however, I wasn't able to find anything particular that would point out the issue"
Can you help me with this. Does the plug in have any special requierments?
Apologies for replying a bit later, we don't work on weekends.
You are welcome. I consulted one of our developer regarding this matter, but they say there isn't anything special that Amelia needs for the auto-update - URL is generated for updating the zip file. Maybe the issue could be the size of the plugin, check that out with your hosting, Amelia's size is around 10 MB so maybe this could cause the issues that you have in the auto-update process?
The update fail AGAIN! This is the third time now back to back!!
I have never had this issue with any aother pugin, ever.
Check the history of this ticket. We have done all you sugges even maximized all resouces to make sure you the update has all it needs EVEN you say it has no spesial requierments.Our hosting has plenty of resources..
Is ther somtiong very wrong with the coding her? .
On top of all of this, you onlu have 9 to 5 support!
Pleas adress this issue and find propper solution!
(I understand why you get reviews like "Install this plugin at your own risk")
Could you please tell me have you just updated Amelia and you had issue or you updated it when we had the conversation, 3 weeks ago, and the issue came up now ?
Please provide me a temporary WP-admin login for your site where this happens, so our developer could log in and take a look. Also please provide us with your FTP credentials as well.
We do not interfere with any data or anything else except for the plugin (in case that’s a production version of the site), and of course we do not provide login data to third party. You can write credentials here just check Private Reply so nobody can see them except us.
I did take a chance and activated our plugin and seems that the las attempt to update was successful, despite the error notification. Be sure I will get back on this ticket if there, yet more of these problems. I dread the next update..
We dont dear activate the your app after one of this updates during busy times as the last two failure brougt down the whole site.
We run 3000 to 6000 orders a month, 24/7 with 12 h turnaroundtime. We want to move this flow from our platform to our site and will need two booking system. We did consider that Aemia would be one of these, but currently this seem to be a risk that we (or any other company) could not accept.
I realy hope that you are able to stablize your product, what ever the issue might be, and you really neeed a a 24/7 support.
You are welcome, Kolbjorn. Glad to see you updated Amelia without issues, thank you for letting us know.
Thank you for the suggestions, but this isn't something that is happening on a regular basis, not a common behavior, we haven't had such case with another user, so it is something in connection to your server/website configuration probably. And this is why I asked for login credentials for your website and FTP, so our developer could try to see where the issue is coming from in your case.
If you encounter the issue again please let us know, we will gladly check out your website, to try to find the reason why the issue is happening.
If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help out.
I just got this same error and am considering to reinstall the Amelia plugin i it entirety, but it would suck to have to configure all the services we offer now all over again. Is there any way to back up this data?
I see you have opened a new ticket regarding this matter and my colleague has responded, so please check it out and you can continue solving the issue there. If credentials are needed for some reason, you can provide them there since that is your ticket. Thank you.
If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help out.
This is what happen after your last update..
Warning: require_once(/home/u309195910/domains/imagedesk.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u309195910/domains/imagedesk.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/vendor/autoload.php on line 5"
Hello Kolbjorn,
By the warning you got, it seems like there are some missing files, like the update wasn't successfully and fully done, for some reason.
Please update Amelia manually by following the bellow instructions and let me know if you still have the same issue afterwards.
You can update the plugin manually by following these steps:
If you have version 2.9 or a newer one please check if the option Delete plugin tables is disabled in Amelia -> Settings -> Activation before updating the plugin manually ( it is disabled by default, but just in case). If this option is enabled , deleting Amelia on the Plugins page will delete Amelia tables and data from the database as well.
1) Download the zip from our store
2) Use FTP to open /yourwordpressfolder/wp-content/plugins
3) Delete existing ameliabooking folder
4) Upload previously downloaded ameliabooking folder through FTP to plugins folder (unzip it)
5) Go to WP-admin panel, open Plugins section
6) Deactivate Amelia Plugin, and then activate it again
7) Clear server and browser cache
If you are using hosting where you are not allowed to your FTP then follow those instructions:
1) Download the zip from our store
2) Delete Amelia plugin from WordPress Plugins page
3) Click on Add new on Plugins page
4) Click on Upload plugin on Plugins page
5) Choose previously downloaded ameliabooking zip file
6) When uploading is done, please Activate Amelia plugin
7) Clear server and browser cache.
Please note that our plugin have a size of around 8 MB so if yo are not able to upload the plugin through WordPress plugins page, then you need to increase following:
upload_max_file size,
post_max_size ,
You should be able to find these values in your php.ini file or on your hosting panel. If you can't find it yourself please ask your hosting provider to provide it.
AGAIN your update broke our site trying to instal you update. This is unacceptable..! Seems your plugin is liability!! We should not have to back up the site every time. Do we??The error point to the host, but I think not!
FYI wer have alto of work not yet backed up and have not yet been able to recover the site,
Very disapointed..!
Update failed: <!DOCTYPE html>
<!--[if lt IE 7]> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 7]> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 8]> <![endif]-->
<!--[if gt IE 8]><!--> <!--<![endif]-->
ixxxxxxxxxx.com | 524: A timeout occurred
Error 524 Ray ID: 6164ab03ac710d42 • 2021-01-23 21:41:12 UTC A timeout occurred You Browser Working
Stockholm Cloudflare Working
xxxxxxxxx.com Host Error
What happened? The origin web server timed out responding to this request. What can I do? If you're a visitor of this website: Please try again in a few minutes.
If you're the owner of this website: The connection to the origin web server was made, but the origin web server timed out before responding. The likely cause is an overloaded background task, database or application, stressing the resources on your web server. To resolve, please work with your hosting provider or web development team to free up resources for your database or overloaded application. Additional troubleshooting information here. Cloudflare Ray ID: 6164ab03ac710d42 • Your IP: • Performance & security by Cloudflare <!-- /.error-footer -->"
"WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, Amelia.
First, visit your website (https://imagedesk.com/">https://xxxxxxxx.com/) and check for any visible issues. Next, visit the page where the error was caught (https://imagedesk.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php">https://xxxxxxxxxxxx.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php) and check for any visible issues."
Version 3.0.2 | By TMS | View details
This plugin failed to load properly and is paused during recovery mode.
An error of type E_COMPILE_ERROR was caused in line 129 of the file /home/u309195910/domains/xxxxxxxx.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/ameliabooking.php. Error message: require_once(): Failed opening required '/home/u309195910/domains/xxxxxxxxx.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/vendor/autoload.php' (include_path='.:/opt/alt/php74/usr/share/pear')
You have delverd a critical error back to back with you lates updates. What are you doing???
I feel I should "sing" and write some 1 star reviews!
Hello Kolbjorn,
Sorry to see you had some issues with updating Amelia.
There isn't anything that could cause these issues from within Amelia, but the auto-update option depends a lot on the website/server configuration as the process is done there. This isn't a common behavior, and we haven't had such complaints. Could you please reach out to your hosting and ask them if they could check why this would be happening for Amelia auto-update? Why is it that the server timed out? Could they check the server error logs? It seems like the update isn't finished successfully because of the server timeout and you then have errors for Amelia on the website. But we can't say why the server could have this issue , as it isn't a common behavior.
Thank you Marija
This is a disapointing awnser. Cicking the ball to the hosting service after waiting 3 days..
(How can we rely your plugin to handel our 24/7 operation? )
- We did not auto update. (Now we do not dear turn it on as your plugin is a liability for the whole site..)
- We are using well established service at Hostinger
- We have not had any updating issues any of our opter plugins.
Pleas look at the actual issue
Thank you
You are welcome, Kolbjorn.
You need to check what is causing the issue on the server directly, unfortunately, we don't have access to that and can't say what could be causing this. As the server times out when Amelia is updated, the update isn't successfully done so you get errors for Amelia on the website. You need to find out what is causing these updates issues, server timeout, and this you can do only with your hosting provider, or maybe with checking the server error log. Maybe there is some limit to the upload size or similar limit on the server, that is causing this , so it needs to be increased, but this isn't something that we could tell from Amelia's side as we need to know what is causing the time out on the server when you update Amelia.
Thank you Marija
I have run this issue by the service provider and we was able to run the instalation after som special "clearing of the queue" on the server. But we have not been able to spesify what particular limitations that would cuse this. Our plan should cover most needs.. So they say: "
I would advise you to check with the plugin support, what is the resources needed for the plugin and if there are any particular limits that are needed and if any CronJobs are ran for example. As this would help us out in finding the main cause" .. "I've tried checking on the Logs of your website, however, I wasn't able to find anything particular that would point out the issue"
Can you help me with this. Does the plug in have any special requierments?
Thank you
Hello Kolbjorn,
Apologies for replying a bit later, we don't work on weekends.
You are welcome. I consulted one of our developer regarding this matter, but they say there isn't anything special that Amelia needs for the auto-update - URL is generated for updating the zip file. Maybe the issue could be the size of the plugin, check that out with your hosting, Amelia's size is around 10 MB so maybe this could cause the issues that you have in the auto-update process?
The update fail AGAIN! This is the third time now back to back!!
I have never had this issue with any aother pugin, ever.
Check the history of this ticket. We have done all you sugges even maximized all resouces to make sure you the update has all it needs EVEN you say it has no spesial requierments.Our hosting has plenty of resources..
Is ther somtiong very wrong with the coding her? .
On top of all of this, you onlu have 9 to 5 support!
Pleas adress this issue and find propper solution!
(I understand why you get reviews like "Install this plugin at your own risk")
Hello Kolbjorn,
Could you please tell me have you just updated Amelia and you had issue or you updated it when we had the conversation, 3 weeks ago, and the issue came up now ?
Please provide me a temporary WP-admin login for your site where this happens, so our developer could log in and take a look. Also please provide us with your FTP credentials as well.
We do not interfere with any data or anything else except for the plugin (in case that’s a production version of the site), and of course we do not provide login data to third party. You can write credentials here just check Private Reply so nobody can see them except us.
Thank you Marija
I did take a chance and activated our plugin and seems that the las attempt to update was successful, despite the error notification. Be sure I will get back on this ticket if there, yet more of these problems. I dread the next update..
We dont dear activate the your app after one of this updates during busy times as the last two failure brougt down the whole site.
We run 3000 to 6000 orders a month, 24/7 with 12 h turnaroundtime. We want to move this flow from our platform to our site and will need two booking system. We did consider that Aemia would be one of these, but currently this seem to be a risk that we (or any other company) could not accept.
I realy hope that you are able to stablize your product, what ever the issue might be, and you really neeed a a 24/7 support.
Br KYou are welcome, Kolbjorn.
Glad to see you updated Amelia without issues, thank you for letting us know.
Thank you for the suggestions, but this isn't something that is happening on a regular basis, not a common behavior, we haven't had such case with another user, so it is something in connection to your server/website configuration probably. And this is why I asked for login credentials for your website and FTP, so our developer could try to see where the issue is coming from in your case.
If you encounter the issue again please let us know, we will gladly check out your website, to try to find the reason why the issue is happening.
If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help out.
I just got this same error and am considering to reinstall the Amelia plugin i it entirety, but it would suck to have to configure all the services we offer now all over again. Is there any way to back up this data?
Hi there,
I see you have opened a new ticket regarding this matter and my colleague has responded, so please check it out and you can continue solving the issue there. If credentials are needed for some reason, you can provide them there since that is your ticket. Thank you.
If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help out.