  Public Ticket #2650785
Package function with fixed appointments


  • Csaba started the conversation

    Dear Support!

    My client wants to sell packages that include for example 6 booking possibility. These classes would have specific times on specific dates.

    For example: package includes > 2 theory zoom classes + 4 practise zoom classes. They should be able to choose the 2 theory classes out of four different dates and the 4 practise classes out of 6 different dates.

    Is it possible to set up appointments within services or events with specific times and dates within packages?

    As far as I can see in the demos it is only possyble to set time duration for a service, but my clients wants specific dates and times for their selectable zoom classes?

    Many thanks for your help!


  • Csaba replied

    Or can I work around this for example with assigning a specific service to a specific "employee" who is only available on selected dates and times? 
    Would this be possible by deleting all work hours and only add special days under a specific employee?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Csaba,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    In our packages you cannot restrict customers which time slots they will choose. The only option to achieve something like this is if you create a specific schedule for the employee where service will be added to the specific time periods and days so other days will be shown as unavailable for booking. In that way once customer purchase a package he will see, for example, just Monday and Wednesday available and be able to book exactly those days. 

    However, you cannot know whether customer will book each day for the course like he should or will skip some of the days, for example, book Monday and then next Monday and skipping the Wednesday.

    Best regards.