  Public Ticket #2649072


  •  1
    Adrian Gonzalez Escalante started the conversation

    Is there a way that when they register to my page (wooCommerce registration) it also creates the profile for amelia? 
    Maybe if you could help with the code i need so it makes the post after a wooCommerce registration or something similar.

    Also since their already log in the fields of email, phone, name and last name are automatic filled, how could I hide them?

    Also, I dont want them to be able to register and appointment if their not log in so is there a hook I could use so if they click and there not log in I can redirect them to log in page. "Please provide the code so i can just add the redirect url"

    I search similar tickets and find out its not possible, I already find a way to link the wooCommerce registration and ther amelia one but they have to make an appointment first. (So when they login, it logins into amelia and my site) <----- This is how i have it right now

    What im trying to do is this:
    -If the person is not log in redirect them to login page
    -If the person is log in but doesnt have the amelia customer role then works as normal (as i said i need them to have at least one appointment to link the accounts)
    -If the person is log in and have the amelia customer role then hide the email, phone, name and last name fields

  •  2,575
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello Adrian

    As you found yourself, something like this is not possible with the plugin's built-in features, and what you're looking for to achieve can only be done with custom work, which is not included in the provided support for the plugin.

    You need to link two logins, and create a logic that will follow your use case. Unfortunately, we can't help you with this.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  •  1
    Adrian Gonzalez Escalante replied

    Could you tell me the css to hide the phone, email, name and last name please, I will do the rest

    And also, so theres no hook or way to redirect them as soon as they click the continue button? before they enter registration data

  •  2,575
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello Adrian

    Where do you want to hide these fields from? If you need to hide them from a panel (employee or customer panel), I will need you to provide me with log-in credentials for the panel, and show me in a screenshot where you want these fields hidden from, since not every panel is the same, and the selector varies.

    Unfortunately we don't have hooks (action and filters) at the moment. What we have is a few JS hooks that is triggered depends on the view:

    window.beforeCatalogServiceLoaded(object_category, object_service)
    window.afterSearchActivateService(object_appointment, object_serviceActive)
    window.afterSearchGoToSecondStep(object_appointment, object_serviceActive)
    window.afterBookingSelectDateAndTime(object_appointment, object_serviceId, object_providerId, object_locationId)
    window.afterBookingSelectService(object_appointment, object_serviceId, object_providerId, object_locationId)
    window.beforeConfirmBookingLoaded(object_appointment, object_service, object_provider, object_location)
    window.afterConfirmBooking(object_appointment, object_service, object_provider, object_location)

    Yes you can use hooks like beforeConfirmedBooking that will be triggered when your customers confirm booking. You can set that redirect URL that you need like on this script(we use https://www.google.com as example, but you will replace this with your own URL)

    window.beforeConfirmedBooking = function()
    window.location.href = "https://www.google.com";

    Please insert this script on page where you insert Amelia shortcode.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  •  1
    Adrian Gonzalez Escalante replied

    Whats the diffenrece between before booking and after booking? (because i see that beforebooking it actually takes action after the booking is complete)

    I want to hide the fields from the normal booking (where they put their info to register) because im going to do another page that verifies they are log in and have the amelia customer, so does fields are autofilled and doesnt let you modify them. This is why I want to hide them.


    So I want to hide does fields form the pic

  •  2,575
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello again Adrian

    Thank you for the explanation.

    You can hide "Name", "Last Name", "email" and "Phone" fields using this CSS:

    div.am-confirm-booking-data.el-row > div:nth-child(3), div.am-confirm-booking-data.el-row > div:nth-child(4), div.am-confirm-booking-data.el-row > div:nth-child(5), div.am-confirm-booking-data.el-row > div:nth-child(6) {
    display: none !important;

    afterConfirmBooking is being triggered after you clicked on the "Confirm" button (in the last screen), but before the payment is done; and beforeConfirmedBooking is triggered when the last step is shown on the screen.

    Skipping the last step is only possible with WooCommerce and On Site payments, but it involves some customization of the plugin. It would not be possible with Stripe and PayPal, because the data from the last screen is being forwarded after the booking has been made. Something like this is not included in the provided support for the plugin, so I wouldn't be able to help you with this.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  •  1
    Adrian Gonzalez Escalante replied

    Hi I added it but I don't like how on events the height goes like the picture attached, I tried this:

    height: 20px !important;

    But doesn't seem to work could you help me? Basically I need css so it doesn't look that big, this only happens on confirmation step, other steps the height is correct

  •  2,575
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello Adrian

    The code I gave you was for the Appointment booking page, not for events.

    Can you please share the page where events are shown on front-end with me, so I can take a look?

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  •  1
    Adrian Gonzalez Escalante replied

    Eventos – Learn-Point (learn-point.com)

    Here it is, but it also hides the fields in events I just don´t like the height, it is still a lot of height even without hiding the fields

  •  2,575
    Aleksandar replied

    Thanks Adrian

    Here's what you can add:

    .am-event-booking {
        height: 100px;
        overflow-y: hidden;
    form.el-form.am-confirm-booking-form.el-form--label-top {
    display: none !important;

    And it will look like this:


    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  •   Adrian Gonzalez Escalante replied privately
  •  2,575
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello again Adrian

    To hide Zoom from employee's panel, use this:

    .am-cabinet-profile__zoom.el-col.el-col-24.el-col-sm-12.el-col-md-12 {
    display: none !important;

    As for client info can you show me in a screenshot what exactly needs to be hidden? In events, is it this:


    For appointments, please create one appointment (and tell me what date it is set for), and show me in a screenshot what you wish to hide?

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  •   Adrian Gonzalez Escalante replied privately
  •   Aleksandar replied privately
  •  1
    Adrian Gonzalez Escalante replied

    Hello, when you hide the clients sections from the reservations tab with the css provided it hides the zoom links on the events tab. I understand how your css works and yes you are hiding the second row from both reservations and events :/

    Actually if you notice the screenshot you show me for events you can see theres no zoom links section

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Adrian, 

    Aleksandar is out of the office so I will try to help out. 

    There isn't another way of hiding these information from the panel, unfortunately. Since these don't have their own CSS classes - hiding them could affect something else there as well if the CSS selector for that is the same, like you saw some information in the events was hidden. 

    I will add a feature request to our list so this can be considered for future versions of Amelia - CSS classes to be added to these information/elements in the panel, if possible, so they can be hidden each other without affecting the rest of the information.

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help out.