  Public Ticket #2648556
Unique timeframe for a customer


  •  4
    Szabolcs Fekete started the conversation


    Is there any option that an employee could make a unique timeframe for a customer? For booking and after booking?

    It's very important, because some client needs twice as much time as the others. 

    Thanks, best regards,


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Szabi, 

    If you are referring to the appointment duration - there isn't a possibility to change it based on the customer who booked an appointment. The appointment duration is made of service duration , it can be pro-longed with Extras, so you can check out if that could maybe help your use case. You can set Buffer times before/after the appointment , when you create the service, but this applies to all customers that book the service, it can't be set per customer. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help out.

  •  4
    Szabolcs Fekete replied

    Hi Marija!

    It's not good news because most of the clients need this function, because for example there's a dentist who has this tartar treatment. One patient has a lot tartars in the mouth and needs 70 mins and the other has just a little and needs 40mins. Both of them is going regularly and the assistant wants to adjust the time for the clients. This function is not for the clients but for the service providers. 

    There's another example: beauty saloon, which has a skin treatment but one client needs twice as much time than the other because of the skin. And when it's not adjustable it's totally useless for the provider, because the calendar doesn't represent the facts.

    Can you make it or should we choose another plugin for those clients?

    Thanks is advance,


  • [deleted] replied

    HI Szabi,

    There isn't a possibility for dynamic duration in Amelia, unfortunately. If the employee is changing that I am not sure how that will work if someone books another appointment after the first customer, as the appointments couldn't overlap. Like I mentioned earlier, the appointment duration can only be different if extras are chosen as well, but for your use case that isn't useful probably. Like I mentioned in the other ticket, we have a lot of feature requests, and the most requested ones are in the top of the list, and we try to implement as many new options as we can in each updaet. You can add it as a feature request here so it can be considered for implementation in the future and customers can vote for it. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help out.