  Public Ticket #2648551
Multiple booking in one session


  •  4
    Szabolcs Fekete started the conversation


    When can you manage that a customer could book multiple bookings in one session? I know that there's this package thing, but it's very annoying that the customer need to book every service unique. Like in this example (https://a-wax.hu/kezdooldal/) an average customer books 4-6 services (10min each) and it's not working for them to book them separately.

    Thanks and best regards,


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Szabi,

    Like you mentioned, we've just implemented the packages features to Amelia, which is made so customers to book packages - several services/appointments at once . Sorry, I am not sure if I understood the use case quite well - what exactly do you mean by multiple bookings in one session then, if it isn't like the packages feature? If you are referring to just choosing multiple time slots for the same service at once, we don't have this feature planned for now so we can't tell for sure if and when it could be implemented, unfortunately. 

  •  4
    Szabolcs Fekete replied

    Hi Marija!

    Then most of the beauty saloons can't use your plugin unfortunately, because if there're multiple services what the customer wants to book at once it's not useful. 

    For example there's my client, which is a wax saloon, which has 60 services (service time ~15min/each) and the customers want to book them individually selected, so the package thing is not helpful. But the customers won't book the services one by one, because it needs long time and it's frustrated.

    I'm really sorry for that because in 2021 we'll have a lot of clients from beauty sector.

    There's an example for what I mentioned from other service provider (the current provider of my client - and a lot of beauty saloon use it in Hungary): 


    Don't you think that it would be useful?

    Thanks in advance,


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Szabi, 

    That isn't possible with Amelia's built-in features, unfortunately. You can suggest it as a feature request here, and I will add this to out feature requests list as well, so users can vote for it and it can be considered for implementation in the future. Yes, I assume this would be useful for your some use cases, but we  have a lot of feature requests , and most of them are useful for some use cases, and we try to implement as many as we can in each update. We most requested features are in the top of the list. Features like this one and the Packages we implemented are bigger features and require bigger modifications so they need time to be implemented.

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help out.