  Public Ticket #2643032
Not Going Beyond Place Order


  •  5
    Sajan Nair started the conversation

    Dear Friend,
    Need your help. Clients are not presently able to book appointments since the system is not allowing to proceed to the payment gateway page when they click on "Place Order" . Please can you help. 
    The site is saarathi.org

    Thank you

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Sajan, 

    I tried booking on the website, and it works fine - after the Place Order it opens up some payment gateway (that you probably have enabled in WooCommerce) . Please look at the attachments. Also, if you have some issues regarding this still, since this is the WooCommerce part (and I am not sure, but probably some add-on or plugin for that payment method) you should check out with them as well if everything there is properly setup and why would the issue could come up.