  Public Ticket #2616504
Personal data


  • Łukasz Baliszewski started the conversation


    I'd like to purchase Amelia Calendar. Before I will do it I need to know how do you process personal data. 

    I will be having online courses with my clients, so before they'll arrange a meeting with me they will fill in every required field, such as first name, surname, email address etc. 

    Will you have access to personal data of my clients ? How do you process them ? Can I be sure that they will be stored according to the law and rules ?

    What about contract for entrusting the processing of personal data and General Data Protection Regulation ?

    Yours sincerely,

    Łukasz Baliszewski

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Łukasz,

    Thanks for your message.

    In general, Amelia is complaint with GDPR, you can add a consent checkbox to the booking forms and all the data is stored at your server, nothing is stored with us. The only thing that you would need to add manually, for now, is to remove users data if they choose the “forget me” option. We plan to automate this too.

    Will you have access to personal data of my clients ? How do you process them ? Can I be sure that they will be stored according to the law and rules ?

    We won't have access to it.

    What about contract for entrusting the processing of personal data and General Data Protection Regulation ?

    See my response above.