  Public Ticket #2612582
number of people


  • Clara started the conversation

    I recently acquired your plugin and I have a small problem:
    My programmed products are sold by unit no matter the number of people since I sell videoconferencing services.
    So my request, would it be possible that you add the possibility to sell a product by removing the option "number of people"?
    With kind regards, 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Clara,

    Thanks for your message.

    This information in the WooCommerce Cart and Checkout pages can't be hidden with CSS, unfortunately. 

    Each line is just a paragraph in the Product description there, so it would be hardly possible to hide it this way, as the information there can change. So, this can be done directly in the WooCommerce file, you were asking about removing custom fields there last week, and as I can see you removed the custom fields in the cart/checkout so in the same way you can remove the 'Number of persons' part.

    The information sent are in the WooCommerceService.php file at location


