  Public Ticket #2610025
add new employee


  • Samuel started the conversation

    1. I cannot add new employee

    2. Can I only choose the "location" without the need to choose "employee"? In other word, can I enable the "location" field and at the same time disable the "employee" field?


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Samuel, 

    1. It can be that , if you tested booking or accessed the panels while logged in to the WordPress back-end as an admin, another role was added to your user - customer or employee - so you have now mixed permissions in Amelia. You can create a new WP user with admin role and login in with it and see if then you will be able to create an employee. If you can, then you need to : check in your customers list on Amelia -> Customers page if there is a customer with your WP user's email address, if there is delete it and try creating an employee again. If this doesn't help , then you need to re-create your WP user or access your database, the wp_amelia_users table (it can have another prefix rather than wp_ depending on your database) and edit your user - delete any additional roles, leaving only the admin one. 

    Let me know if this helped.

    2. Employee selection can be hidden on the front-end with adding custom CSS, so Any employee would be chosen as the default option for all appointments and a random employee would be added to the bookings. 

    If you want to hide the employee selection, please try adding this format HTML to the page where you have your Amelia shortcode :

    .el-form-item.am-select-employee-option {display:none;}

    and let me know if it helped.

  • Samuel replied

    Hi it appears two red cross after i input the code to the custome CSS.  Please see the attached photo.  Is there anything I have done wrong?  Thanks

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Samuel,

    You need to remove the <style></style> tags to get the CSS, I sent you HTML code, so this is why you have the errors there. So, the CSS should be: 

    .el-form-item.am-select-employee-option {display:none;}