  Public Ticket #2589337
Appointment by registered users with dedicated employee


  • KM started the conversation

    This is pre-purchase question on Amelia Booking Plugin.

    Does this plugin support appointment to a dedicate employee by registered user?

    I have ACF custom field that store the employee-id who is appointed to user on 1-1 basis. I want to have the booking form skip the employee field if an employee already assigned to a user, i.e. ACF employee-id field of the user is set.  Otherwise, existing implementation i.e. ACF employee-id field unset, the user to select employee from list of employees at front-end.

    Can above use case scenarios supported by Amelia? If not, any workaround? Thanks.


  • [deleted] replied


    Thank you for your message and comprehensive use-case. I am afraid it's not implemented in Amelia at the moment.

    You can submit this as a feature request here:
