  Public Ticket #2584609
href ref and 2x quesiton


  • Nico started the conversation

    Hey there,

    I wish to know the following:
    - Can a class/course be linked to via #href in the url?

    - Can a class/course have a button or something in the description to link to another page for the user to read more?

    - Can you add notes to customers in the backend?

    Thank you.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Nico,

    Thanks for your message.

    Please see my responses below:

    1. Not sure that I understood your question, can you please provide a use-case for href/url links?

    I am not sure whether you were referring to short codes


    2. You can add the description to your service/class in a dedicated field, so your clients would be able to see it before the booking:


    3. Yes, you can add internal notes to each customer:
