  Public Ticket #2581869


  • cristian started the conversation

    hello but are there also monthly memberships with amelia? because I would like with your plugin to make people buy the possibility to access streaming lessons on zoom, or to have an available number of meetings already established.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Cristian,

    Thank you for your message.

    Unfortunately we don't have membership integrated into Amelia.

    You can use Memberpress as membership plugin. Memberpress has an addon to link your membership levels to any WordPress user role. So you can link your levels to the Amelia Customer user role. So each time a member sign up, also assigns the member to Amelia Customer. During the first appointment, all fields are grayed out since Amelia recognizes them as existing customer! 

    We will look into adding Membership as a feature to our plugin, but I can't say when it will be implemented.