  Public Ticket #2580681
Multibooking in one single transaction (packages of services) and time displayed in clients/customers timezone


  • Jonathan Daniel Chavez Lucin started the conversation


    Before proceeding with the purchase of Amelia, I would like to know whether it's possible to enable multibooking in one single transaction (packages of services). Also, can time slots be displayed in different clients/customers' timezone? say, 11pm UK time but visible as 6pm by people in Colombia and 10pm in Spain, etc.

    I look forward to hearing back from you.

    Many thanks

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Jonathan,

    Thanks so much for your interest in Amelia.

    We do not have option to sell package of services at the moment. We are currently working on that feature and it should be live by the end of this year. You can follow our social channels or sing up to our newsletter to stay up to date (see in my signature).

    We have an option show time slots in client time zone - when enabled the slots will show in client's timezone on the frontend.