  Public Ticket #2579848
Synchronizing events


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    Marcel Janssen started the conversation


    Synchronizing with Google Calendar is working for appointments, but not for events... The appointments made in Amelia are visible in Google Calendar (also when I change the appointment the rescheduled appoint this directly visible).

    When I add (or change) event, then there is nothing visible. What is going wrong?


    Marcel Janssen

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Marcel Janssen,

    Synchronization for Google calendar in Amelia works for Services only, it doesn't work for Events, unfortunately. So, this is why you can't see any Event from Amelia in your Google calendar. 

    If you have any further questions feel free to ask. 

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    Marcel Janssen replied

    Hello Marija,

    Mmmm... Sounds an bit strange because that's also an appointment and the Google Calendar should be blocked for that event if an employee is added.

    Can you tell if this is a feature which wil be implemented soon? I really want to have this opportunity.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Marcel, 

    There is a note about this on the Google sync instructions page. Events is a feature that was implemented in Amelia way later than Services, so it doesn't have the same options/features as services, unfortunately. We do have a plan to implement new features for events in each update, and the Google sync is there as well, but for now it isn't planned, so unfortunately, we can't say for sure if and when the Google sync for Events could be implemented and released. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help out.