  Public Ticket #2579825
Memberships plans for Amelia


  •  1
    Celia Rousset started the conversation

    Hello, I am considering buying Amelia to build a website for a client. They would like to sell tickets to conferences or events, either indivudually for each event, or as part of a membership plan. For example membership could give a discount on event ticket price or free access to a limited number of events. I do not see a "membership plan" in the list of features for Amelia. Could you please confirm if this is possible or if you can recommend an additionnal plugin that could work with amelia ? Thanks you for your help. Kind regards

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Celia,

    Thanks so much for your interest.

    Unfortunately, we do not have membership feature in Amelia. 

    The only thing that we can suggest is to make coupon codes that you can offer to your members for events. You can place Amelia shortcode to any page, for example page accessible only by members.