  Public Ticket #2576392
Translate Panel Customer


  • Valentin started the conversation


    It seems that it lacks the possibility and the French translation of the Customer Panel: 
    - "Customer Profile
    - "Save Changes"

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Valentin,

    Thank you for getting in touch.

    The translations to other languages are done by our users, so sometimes there are some missing strings and some strings can be translated to more than one string, as we all know. 

    If you want to change that string, strings can be changed using POEDIT or Loco Translate for example. If you want to use POEDIT then this is the instruction:

    1. Download Amelia from TMS Store

    2. Unzip the downloaded file.

    3. Download and install POEDIT

    4. Open the program and open the file from the extracted folder on your computer ameliabooking/languages/fr_FR/wpamelia-fr_FR.po.

    5. Change the strings you want.

    6. Save the translation.

    7. Go to ameliabooking/languages/fr_FR/ folder and copy these two files - wpamelia-fr_FR.po and wpamelia-fr_FR.mo back to your website to the location ../wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/languages/fr_FR/.

    This is an example for French language, but you will choose yours.

    Please note that when you update Amelia, this change will be lost, so you would need to apply it after each update of the plugin. 

    Please, let me know if it's helped.