  Public Ticket #2563898
Referral Code


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    Gary Brett started the conversation

    Hi there, really need an option to somehow track which pages the form has been submitted from, in my other forms/pages I can use  $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] which inserts the page in my emails to let me know where that user came from.

    Would it be possible to have both the page the form is on and the page where the user came from inserted into the email that is sent? We are getting lots of emails but no idea which page or source it originated from?

    So for example

    Page the form submits from - https://mydomain.co.uk/yoga/
    Source User came from - https://google.co.uk/455767&&999 (Google Ads)

  •  2,575
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello Gary

    I am sorry to disappoint you, but unfortunately something like this is not possible with the plugin's built-in features.

    This would have to be done as a custom solution, and we do not provide support for writing any custom code like this.

    What we have is a few JS hooks that is triggered depends on the view:

    window.beforeCatalogServiceLoaded(object_category, object_service)
    window.afterSearchActivateService(object_appointment, object_serviceActive)
    window.afterSearchGoToSecondStep(object_appointment, object_serviceActive)
    window.afterBookingSelectDateAndTime(object_appointment, object_serviceId, object_providerId, object_locationId)
    window.afterBookingSelectService(object_appointment, object_serviceId, object_providerId, object_locationId)
    window.beforeConfirmBookingLoaded(object_appointment, object_service, object_provider, object_location)
    window.afterConfirmBooking(object_appointment, object_service, object_provider, object_location)

    You would probably be able to use them (probably beforeConfirmedBooking) with some functions, in order to track the user.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  •  1
    Gary Brett replied

    Thanks for your reply, the js hooks are a bit out if my range though 😉

    Unfortunately I am getting some pressure from my boss to sort this, really want to keep using Amelia but I can't find a way, but can't you tell me please;

    1 - Have you any future plans to allow hrnl code in the email notifications? (I can add tracking to that then)

    2 - Have you any plans to allow cc on email notifications?

    3 - Have you any plans to allow more than one employee have the same email address?

    Numbers 2 & 3 are key to companies who have centralised administration, at present administration do not have any way to track incoming employee form submissions

    Many thanks once again

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Gary, 

    Aleksandar is out of the office so I will try to help out. 

    1 - For now, this feature isn't planned, unfortunately, but we can't say if and when it could be implemented in the future. 

    You can check the Webhooks feature, if it would help your use case, as it can send data from Amelia via hooks to some other automation tool . Or the JS hooks Aleksandar mentioned before.

    2 - This isn't planned for now. 

     If you want to add some additional email addresses to which all notifications from Amelia will be sent as well, you can do that by adding these email addresses to the Send all notifications to additional addresses:  field which you will find in Amelia -> Settings -> Notification settings. When you add one email press Enter and it will be saved, so you can then add another one, etc. To these email addresses all notifications that are sent from Amelia (to customers and to employees) will be sent as well. 

    3 - This isn't planned for implementation, neither. 

    There is one work-around for this - you can use one email address for more employees if you add +1, +2, etc. to it. This works on Gmail you can check if it works for your email service provider. So, if your email is [email protected], all these emails will be connected to this email address: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], etc. So all notifications will be sent to the same email address [email protected]

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    Gary Brett replied

    Thank you Marija, much appreciated. Its question 1 really that is key for us right now as we simply cant track which campaigns are sending users to the booking form.

    Do you know if its possible for me to add a hidden field as a custom field, even if its in the js code backend?

    I could then add {server_http_referrer} as the default value, :)

    Probably not but worth an ask I suppose

  • [deleted] replied

    You are welcome, Gary. 

    Apologies for replying a bit later, we don't work on weekends.

    There isn't a possibility to add a hidden custom field, the custom fields that you can add are the ones here, you can only hide them with CSS on the front-end if they don't require a user input, but I am not sure if this would work for your use case. 

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    Gary Brett replied

    No problem at all, didn't expect an immediate reply so appreciate it

    Your right about the fields though, that wouldnt work. What I need to do is find a way to add a hidden custom form  field with a default value as below..Or even a custom form text field with a default value which I could then hide using css

    <input type="hidden" id="user_source" name="user_source" value="{server_http_referrer}">

    Easier said than done though :)

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Gary, 

    Unfortunately, we can't help out with that. You can check out the JS hooks Aleksandar sent earlier, to see if you can use one of those for you use case. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help out.