  Public Ticket #2563459


  • marta started the conversation


    I explain what I am looking for. I need to built a site on which customers can book private one-to-one meeting with a specialist. I have 5 specialist on 3 different areas (so 2 specialist for area A, B and one specialist for area C). So, if people are interested in area A, they can book at the same hour in two, because they will be facing different specialists. They don't need to choose the specialist, but the system has to see which ones are available depending on the area of interest. Can I do it with your plugin?

    Two more things please:

    - Does your plugin incorporate some template? If no, with which themes is it compatible with?

    - Can I send reminder emails both to customers and to specialist?

    Thank you a lot for the details,

    Have a nice day

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Marta,

    Thank you for your message.

    Regarding your first question - yes, you can implement this via assigning employees to a certain services and set up availability.

    You can find more details following the link below:


    As to template, Amilia is compatible with the majority of themes but it doesn't include any template, I am afraid.

    You can send reminders via cron job, yes.

    cron is a Linux utility which schedules a command or script on your server to run automatically at a specified time and date. A cron job is the scheduled task itself. Cron jobs can be very useful to automate repetitive tasks like in our plugin for notifications.

    Depending on the server, there are different configurations for it, which you can contact your hosting provider about, or you can check out one of the solutions for it on this link.

    Also, you can try this:

    */15 * * * * wget -q -O - "https://www.yourwebsite.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/notifications/scheduled/send"

    Or this:

    */15 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php ~/public_html/wp-cron.php --action='wpamelia_api' --call='/notifications/scheduled/send'

    If that doesn't help you, my suggestion is to install the WP Crontrol plugin. You can find more info about it, and detailed instructions on how to set it up in our FAQ section.