  Public Ticket #2563252
Slow speeds


  • kathrynalb started the conversation

    I can't submit a ticket as it is past the one year since I bought Amelie. It is very hard to contact Amelia therefore to get any issue resolved. 

    Amelia seems to be causing a lot of problems on our site. It was difficult to get set up initially and I had a lot of back and forth with the devleopers. 

    Now it is causing a SSL problem - due to one image associated with Amelia. If we deactivate email, the problem resolves. 

    We're also finding that Amelia is making our pages really slow to load (13.8 seconds). If we deactivate this goes to 6.8 seconds. 

    I'd like to keep using Amelia but I'm not sure if we can resolve these issues without Amelia's assistance, but I can't get hold of them. 

  • [deleted] replied


    Please go to wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/ameliabooking.php and delete this line:

    set_site_transient('update_plugins', null);

    From line 359.

    Then delete cache from your website and browser, and let me know if that fixes the issue.