  Public Ticket #2552612
Receiving notifications


  •  1
    Bob started the conversation

    Notification messages are being sent OK, but I am not receiving an email when a customer creates an appointment. Where is this configured?

  •  2,575
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello Bob

    Which notification will be sent when a customer books an appointment depends on the default appointment status, you set in General Settings, or in service's settings.

    If the status is "Pending", the "Appointment Pending" email notification will be sent, and if the status is "Approved", the "Appointment Approved" email notification will be sent.

    You get to select which notifications will be sent by ticking the check box next to the notification name.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  •  1
    Bob replied

    Aleksandar, please read my question again. Your answer had nothing to do with my question. I am asking how to make sure that I get a message when a client creates or changes the status of an appointment.


  •  2,575
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello Bob

    I'm sorry, but if that doesn't answer your question, I don't know what you're asking.

    Here's your original question again:

    Notification messages are being sent OK, but I am not receiving an email when a customer creates an appointment. Where is this configured?

    Notification messages are email notifications, correct?

    If we can agree on that, you (as an employee) can receive email notifications (you called those messages in your latest response) if you enable "Appointment Approved", "Appointment Pending", "Appointment Rescheduled" email notifications in Notifications page:


    There are no settings for this other than what you find in Amelia Settings/Notification Settings. When you configure that, all your email notifications should work, and the only thing left for you to do is choose which one of these notifications will be sent to the employee assigned to the appointment.

    So, a customer books an appointment, you receive an email. A customer changes the appointment (reschedules it), you receive an email. A customer cancels the appointment, you receive an email.

    Customers can't change the status of the appointment, only employees, Managers and Administrators can, but even if that changes, the Appointment Rescheduled email is sent.

    There's no way to "make sure" you'll get a message - if one email works, every email works, and you'll be sure it works once a change like this happens (if a customer books an appointment, or they cancel it, or they change it).

    If you wish to send all email notifications to additional email addresses, you can add those email addresses in Amelia Settings/Notification settings.

    If that still doesn't answer your question, please explain in more detail what it is you wish to achieve. Maybe our terminology is different, so please explain with some screenshots if that's possible.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  •  2,575
    Aleksandar replied

    An addition, Bob.

    You may also be referring to SMS? If that's true, you only need to create an account in Notifications/SMS Notifications, configure the templates, and that's it. Nothing else needs to be configured in order for this to work. Your employees and customers need to have correct phone numbers saved, though.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  •  1
    Bob replied

    I am not referring to SMS. I want to send an email to my [email protected] address whenever a notification is generated. I believe the issue may be related to the email notification settings. I contacted my ISP and they sent me this information:

    Incoming mail server: secureus159.sgcpanel.com
    Outgoing mail server: secureus159.sgcpanel.com
    Incoming port: 993 (IMAP)
    Outgoing port: 465 (SMTP)
    Username: the full email account you wish to access, for example [email protected]
    Password: the password of your email account
    Use Encryption: Yes / SSL
    My SMTP (Outgoing) Server Requires authentication: YES
    Authentication Type: Plain (non-secure) password (Optional, if the application requires it)

    A screen shot showing the current settings is attached. This is one of only two Amelia issues keeping me from going live with my site. 

  •  2,575
    Aleksandar replied

    Thanks for the screenshot, Bob.

    So, first, you need to change the port in Amelia Settings/Notifications from 993 (IMAP) to 465 (SMTP). To send all notifications to [email protected] you need to add that email to the last field in the settings, and hit Enter:


    That should do it.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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  •  1
    Bob replied

    Aleksandar ,

    That does not solve the problem. I am still getting the "Error" message. Can you tell me where this is coming from and what the associated details of this message are? 

    As a side note, I have been a programmer for over 50 years, and I recognize this problem as what I label "Lazy Programming". The programmer encounters an error condition, but instead of providing details related to the error, he (and it is usually a "he") just punts and moves on. I am guilty of this in some of my own code, too.

    Bottom line, though, the problem persists. Please dig deeper

    AND... When I read your email and open the page using this link: https://tmsplugins.ticksy.com/ticket/2552612/

    I get the output shown in the attachment. I am not using Google Sheets, but your code appears to be and has a real problem that needs attention. 

  •  2,575
    Aleksandar replied

    Hello Bob

    I can't say what the issue is until I inspect the page and see the network response.

    You can do this yourself, I'll explain how:

    Go to "Notifications" section and inspect the page (right click/inspect or hit F12 on your keyboard); then navigate to the Network tab:


    After that click on "Send Test Email". That error that you're pointing out as "amazingly useful diagnostic message" is not specific because there can be dozens of reasons why that message is there, and we cannot pull it from the network response as the response can be complex, and needs debugging, so regular users wouldn't know what to do with it, plus it would probably be covering half the page. In other cases it can be as simple as "Credentials are not valid", but we can't rely on that.

    When you click on "Send Test Email" enter the email you want to send the test email to and that error will come up; so in the network tab there will be an error marked in red. Click on it, and go to the "Response" tab on the right:


    As you can see in the screenshot (if you can't see the image here, right click on it and open it in a new tab, so you can zoom in), this is a generic message also:

    {"message":"SMTP connect() failed. https:\/\/github.com\/PHPMailer\/PHPMailer\/wiki\/Troubleshooting"}

    In any case, the issue is not with Amelia, but with credentials. For example, in order for me to get these screenshots to you, I changed the SMTP Host in Amelia Settings/Notifications to an invalid entry.

    If you do see a generic error like that, I'll need you to provide me a temporary wp-admin (administrator) user for your website, so I can inspect the plugin and see what's going on. The only thing I can do, though, is try the settings with my (personal) SMTP settings, and if that works correctly, the issue is somewhere in your setup.

    Please note that this is a public ticket, so make sure to enable the PRIVATE response, so the credentials are visible only to us.

    As for the notice you've added as a screenshot in your last response - it is displayed on the home page, and once you log in and navigate to your ticket, it's not shown anymore. We don't develop only Amelia, and the majority of our customers is using wpDataTables. This message is for users who have issues with the Google Spreadsheets, and since we're using one platform for all our plugins, unfortunately you're faced with this message when you access the front-page of the support platform. If there was a critical issue with Amelia, users who purchased other plugins from us would see the same message. This is not our platform, and it's not perfect, but it's working. Any complaints about programming for this platform can be forwarded to https://support.ticksy.com/.

    Once again - when posting the credentials for your website, please enable the PRIVATE response so the credentials are not visible to everyone.

    Kind Regards, 

    Aleksandar Vuković
    [email protected]

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