  Public Ticket #2541333
Retrieving phone numbers to use in WPSMS to send a message to queried numbers.


  • Daniel started the conversation

    Hi again!

    I'm hoping that I could get some help or advice regarding a feature I'm trying to achieve. I'm not great at explaining things too clearly so I'll just summarise the functionality that I am going for:

    1. A table of users, on which you can click, that sends you to another users table with overlapping user data (both achieved using built in wpDataTables sql query builder)

    2. Destination table with overlapping data is pre-filtered from the selection made in step 1 above (achieved using the "my-url-here/?wdt_column_filter[1]=...||table.users" functionality)

    3. Destination table contains a phone number per row. I need to be able to select the rows/numbers that I would like the phone numbers from, to then use in the following function: https://wp-sms-pro.com/resources/wp_sms_send/.

    You'll have to forgive my ignorance but I'm quite new to WP and PHP,  so I'm probably missing something huge somewhere. I tried looking at DataTables API and thought I could use that but I'm not really sure how (especially since it's JS). I also installed a plugin called Code Snippets for the purpose of inserting the above function and running it that way when I need the text messages to out.

    My main struggles:

    1. How can I get the phone numbers from the filtered and rendered query table.

    2. Is it possible to then somehow save that data in a variable for a code snippet to use?

    3. Since code snippets run on every site, what unique identifier can I find so that only this table will be able to invoke the SMS function?

    I really would appreciate some advice on this! Thank you for answering my previous question also, in regards to linking two tables together (pre-filtering the second from a link on the first).

  •  472
    Isidora replied

    Hi Daniel,

    Thank you for your purchase.

    Unfortunately we don't have such functionality, it requires some code customization. 

    You can take a look in our documentation about Front-end callbacks and also about Actions and Filters which are defined in wpDataTables plugin for customization's by developers.

    Kind Regards, 

    Isidora Markovic

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