The timezone set in Amelia is the one you set in your WordPress General Settings, so please check if you set your City timezone in your WP settings. If you have set it correctly, and this is a notification that require a cron, check the time that you have set in the back-end of Amelia on the Notifications page for that notification. If everything is set OK here, please contact your hosting provider and ask them about this, maybe these is some mismatch with the times on the server and this is coming from that.
I hope you replay to me as soon as possible, Now I have a problem with Amelia notification.
It's worked successfully all the time but I have one problem with employee notification mail or SMS it sending the appointment time two hours early.
Hello Ezzat Makar ,
Thank you for your purchase.
The timezone set in Amelia is the one you set in your WordPress General Settings, so please check if you set your City timezone in your WP settings. If you have set it correctly, and this is a notification that require a cron, check the time that you have set in the back-end of Amelia on the Notifications page for that notification. If everything is set OK here, please contact your hosting provider and ask them about this, maybe these is some mismatch with the times on the server and this is coming from that.