  Public Ticket #2522902
Create automatically Amelia Custumer


  • thiago started the conversation


    I wanna konow about the setting that creat automatically the amelia custer after the schedulling.

    How my clients wil have acess to set up their password?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Thiago, 

    If you have the option for automatically create Amelia customer user  one of the emails will be from WordPress with the login information. When the customer is created both in Amelia and WordPress when they book, these two are connected and customers can login to the Customer panel with their WP Login information. This automatically created customers in WP is set in Amelia -> Settings -> Roles Settings -> Customer, so if you don't want customers to be created as WP users as well you need to disable this option Automatically create Amelia Customer user  there.

    But, if the above option is disabled, if a customer is not created in WP users automatically, then customers can access the Customer panel via a link in the notifications, and when they access it the first time they create a password and later on they use that email/password to login to the Panel. 

    This placeholder is a link for the panel %customer_panel_url% just be sure that you copy/paste it to the Message field from the Placeholders list. So when you go to Amelia -> Notifications, click on the </> Show Email Placeholders, when you find this placeholder click on it, it will be copied and then paste it to the notifications that you want. Also, please check if you provided the URL of your page for the Customer panel in that field in Amelia -> Settings -> Roles Settings -> Customer

  • thiago replied

    Marija Thank you for your replied.

    But I have a problem. I did like you said, I did disable the option of automatically create Amelia Custumer and provided the URL of my page for the custumer panel like you informed me. But in the notification dosn't have a link for acess.

    I will send a test email for you so you can see.

  • [deleted] replied

    You are welcome, Thiago. 

    The email that you sent is the  Customer Panel Access email notification, and that is not the notification that is sent when someone books an appointment. THis email notification is sent when someone forgot their password, for example, and use that option in the panel. 

    You need to add the Customer panel url placeholder to the Appointment approved or Appointment pending notification (whichever notification you want) so when customers book appointments they get a link for the panel in their appointment approval email notification.

  • thiago replied

    Hello Marija.

    Thanks again.

    So, I tried what you tell me, but stay with the same problem. The placeholder dosn't have the link.

    I am going to send the email of appointment approved notification with that placeholder. And like you are gonna to see that placholder is in English, for me translet that or change it do I need to use some translation plugin like the Loco Translate that I can do manually or has another way?

  • thiago replied

    Marija hello again.

    I got the problem about the link, in the setting of the notification i click on the placeholder and I could edit that, so I replace the %customer_panel_url% for the URL of the custumer panel page. But that dosn't have how my client set up their password when is the first acess.

    I am going to send you a new email test of it.

    How can i fix it?

    Another question, when the oppition of create automaticlly custumer user is on is possible to edit that email what is send by WP?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Thiago, 

    You are welcome. 

    You can't change the placeholder, and you need to add it from the list. You can't add the URL of the page as it won't connect the customer that is booking to the panel, so you need to use the placeholder from the placeholders list. If you want to change the string you need to use some translation tool, and find that string in the language you use and change it. 

    Strings can be changed using POEDIT or Loco Translate for example. If you want to use POEDIT then this is the instruction:

    1. Download Amelia from TMS Store

    2. Unzip the downloaded file.

    3. Download and install POEDIT

    4. Open the program and open the file from the extracted folder on your computer ameliabooking/languages/fr_FR/wpamelia-fr_FR.po.

    5. Change the strings you want.

    6. Save the translation.

    7. Go to ameliabooking/languages/fr_FR/ folder and copy these two files - wpamelia-fr_FR.po and wpamelia-fr_FR.mo back to your website to the location ../wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/languages/fr_FR/.

    This is an example for French language, but you will choose yours.

    Please note that this change will need to be applied after each update of Amelia. 

    That email has nothing to do with Amelia, it is a default WordPress email sent for a new WP user, I think it can't be edited in WordPress.