  Public Ticket #2518684
2 levels of price for tickets


  • Jean-Marc started the conversation


    Is it possible for an event to have 2 levels of price for tickets?

    For example 1 price for adults and 1 price for children?


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Jean-Marc,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    Unfortunately at the moment this is not possible. We plan to add option to set multiple prices for the tickets but at the moment only one price can be set. If you are interested I can contact you once we implement this option, I am not sure when that will be but it is certainly on our To Do list.

    Best regards.

  • Jean-Marc replied

    Hi Isadora,

    yes I would like to be informed when that function will be available.

    Best regards.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Jean-Marc,

    I will be glad to contact you once we implement this option.

    Best regards.

  • elaine replied

    Any update on this? I need this feature as well.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Elaine,

    Unfortunately not yet, we have prioritized more requested features first but we will work on this in a couple of months I hope.

    Best regards.