  Public Ticket #2518453
Data transfert script


  • Rene started the conversation

    I had to create this script in order to transfer the hundred wordpress users to Amelia client. I am sharing it with you so that you can possibly use it in a future feature.

    Insert into wp_amelia_users (status, type, externalId, firstName,lastName,phone, email)

    SELECT 'visible', 'customer',`ID`,m.`meta_value` as FirstName,m2.meta_value as LastName, m3.meta_value as Telephone,`user_email` FROM `wp_users` as u inner join wp_usermeta as m on u.ID = m.user_id and m.meta_key = "first_name" inner join wp_usermeta as m2 on u.ID = m2.user_id and m2.meta_key ="last_name"
    inner join wp_usermeta as m3 on u.ID = m3.user_id and m3.meta_key ="Telephone"

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Rene, 

    Thank you for your purchase and for sharing this. I assume some users will find it helpful!

    We appreciate that! 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help.