I have successfully added the code to the page. That also worked fine, but now suddenly no longer. The booking module is therefore no longer visible at all. The page does not give any further errors.
I have also reinstalled the plugin, but to no avail. Can you help to see what is going wrong? Kind regards, Jay Kersten
As I can see Amelia is loading endlessly on the page you provided here.
When you just get the spinning wheel, without it ever loading, it usually indicates that you're missing one of the following:
Category and service
Employee is not assigned to a service
Employee doesn't have working hours configured
Please check if the services' duration (+their buffer times) can fit in the employees' work hours. Also, check if the option Show service on site is enabled for the services you created.
Dear support,
I have successfully added the code to the page.
That also worked fine, but now suddenly no longer.
The booking module is therefore no longer visible at all.
The page does not give any further errors.
I have also reinstalled the plugin, but to no avail.
Can you help to see what is going wrong?
Kind regards, Jay Kersten
Hello Jay Kersten,
Thank you for your purchase.
As I can see Amelia is loading endlessly on the page you provided here.
When you just get the spinning wheel, without it ever loading, it usually indicates that you're missing one of the following:
Please check if the services' duration (+their buffer times) can fit in the employees' work hours. Also, check if the option Show service on site is enabled for the services you created.
Let me know if any of this helped.