The booking system has a total capacity set of 8 people per 30 minute time slot.
We have just had a group of 11 people turn up - there are 2 bookings from the same customer for the same time-slot (totalling 11 people)! How can this be?
There are also another 6 bookings on top of that - so 21 people are showing up to visit when there should only be 8 spaces within this slot.
I have then checked via the front-end of the bookings and it says that this 19 people booked up slot has availability for 4 more people!!!
What has gone wrong?
The back end also shows 2 of the same time-slot (11.30-12) as if one of those bookings hint been taken in to account - but even without that people have still been able to book well over the capacity cap.
I checked the capacity settings and it correctly says 8 - so how have people been able to book more?
We don’t seem to have had this issue before or seemingly with any other time-slots.
What has happened?
I haven’t changed any of the settings, but I know my website assistant did set up the Cron email reminders yesterday - could this have done something to it?
I have checked to see if that slot is still available and I booked the total number too spaces for people that were still showing (4 people) and now after making that booking - it is STILL showing as available for the same number.I have attached screen shots so you can see the 11.30-12 slot and the front end still showing availability of this slot to still be booked even after I booked the full spaces (even though e are over those spaces now by 18 booked people!)
This must be resolved immediately as we cannot cope with these numbers and the booking system is useless if we cannot control the numbers
Thank you for looking in to this and for getting back to me about it.
I was sure that it wasn't an issue with my settings because all the other appointments (except the one later the same day 4-4.30 slot) were only allowing 8 people per slot. So it did seem like an anomaly.
I am concerned greatly by the fact that the 4-4.30 slot allowed 9 people to book - its bad enough that it happened once n the sealy slot (when we ended up really busy) but the fact it happened again the same day (to a lesser extent) makes me feel anxious that this is going to happen again.
I would be most grateful to find out how this happened and to be assured it won't happen again.
Yes, both time slots are connected and caused by the same issue. Our developers are working on fixing this. As soon as I get some feedback from them I will get back to you. Again, we apologize for any inconveniences this have caused.
Today we had another booking slot allow 9 people to book in a 8 capacity slot. It was at 2pm today (25th August) Can someone please help. This is very bad that this has happened again. Please get back to me ASAP
I have had a couple of customers have an issue booking today - they have explained that they were unable to toggle the 'bringing anyone with you?' on to select the additional people on their booking.
They have also complained about the payment option not working - is someone already looking at the system and has anything been changed?
I just visited your website and the Bringing anyone with you works properly, I tried one test booking and it goes well. Please look at the attachment. Were you able to reproduce the issue on your website that those customers complained about? If yes, please tell me how I can reproduce it as well?
Regarding the payment options, like I mentioned bellow, WooCommerce is enabled on your website and in Amelia. If customers have issues with paying in WooCommerce please check your settings there or reach out to them for support. The payment process in WooCommerce isn't configured in Amelia but WooCommerce.
Marija is out of office, so I'll take over this ticket. Please note that we don't work on weekends, and our working hours during business days are from 10:00 - 17:00.
The log-in credentials you provided for Marija don't work anymore:
So, I can't log in and test your setup.
In Payment settings, you need to copy and paste your Live Stripe credentials, which can be found on your Stripe dashboard. When those are added, and saved, paying with cards will be offered as a payment option on your services.
If you don't see it, even though it is configured and enabled, you need to check your Service's settings (Access the service, and go to the Settings tab)/Payments. Check if Stripe is enabled there.
That should help, but if it doesn't work, please provide me wp-admin credentials, so I can take a look.
Remember the ticket is public, so please enable the PRIVATE response.
I was being able to access your website through my phone, sorry about that, not sure why I can't access it from my computer.
As I can see there is the option to choose PayPal or Stripe when you book an appointment on your website, and I see both PayPal and Stripe are on in Settings. So, you just need to choose Stripe (it is the Credit card option - it doesn't say Stripe on the front-end if that was maybe the confusing part) instead of PayPal and you will see Stripe fields for providing card information. Please look at the attachments. If you don't choose Credit card it will go to PayPal, because it is set as the default Payment method in your Payment settings.
It appears to be working- Ive already had a few payments go through - but when the payment is made there is no Customer name, email address or phone number coming through to Stripe. This is because this info is being entered in the Amelia information boxes and there is no Stripe boxes that ask for this info again (this is understandable, but makes it hard to find the customer payment if there is a need to).
Can a box be added for Stripe within the Amelia plugin so that it asks for the customer name at least?
this would make it much easier to find a customer payment in future
please let me know and thank you so much for all your help with all this.
You are welcome, Natalieglad to see that it is all well now!
There is a possibility to send information about the customers and appointments from Amelia to Stripe but only as description or metadata, there isn't a possibility of automatically creating a customer in Stripe from Amelia.
You need to edit one table in your database in order to seend data as description or metadata to Stripe. Please access your database, find and open the wp_options table (it can have another prefix rather than wp_ depending on your database) and find the option name amelia_settings there. You need to edit it. You will see a setting payments.stripe in it. You need to set the description parameter enabled to true in the database and also if you want metadata to be sent you need to set the metaData parameter enabled to true as well. Like here :
"description":{"enabled":true,"appointment":"%customer_full_name% has booked %service_name% at %appointment_date_time%","event":"%customer_full_name% has booked %event_name% at %event_start_date_time%"},"metaData":{"enabled":true,"appointment":{"user":"%customer_full_name%","email":"%customer_email%","phone":"%customer_phone%"},"event":{"user":"%customer_full_name%","email":"%customer_email%","phone":"%customer_phone%"}}
Then you can copy/paste any placeholder to the appointment and event parameters that you want to be sent to Stripe from Amelia (the placeholders that you can find in Amelia -> Notifications). We put above some placeholders as an example.
I am very very nervous about trying to make these changes without messing everything up...
it is finally working, I will most likely end up breaking it.
Is it possible for you to do this?
Im sorry to ask - I've asked so much of you already. But I won't be able to do this without a lot of stress and probably will end up breaking what's working now!
Yesterday I had 3 customers ring up saying that when they put their card details in - it wouldn't process, the message they saw said:
'Error processing payment'
I spoke to Stripe yesterday and they checked it their end for me - found nothing wrong. They said that even if a payment doesn't go through - it gets logged as a refused payment - but there is nothing showing up. They said that the likelihood would be the booking plugin not allowing the payment to connect. If it was connecting fine then wether the payment went through or not -Stripe would have the record of it. But is like the connection isn't working.
Now saying all that - this morning - I had 2 more Stripe bookings made - and they successfully paid with a card using stripe. But then later on another customer phoned up with the same 'error processing payment' message. Since this morning we have had zero bookings via stripe... Our business is getting quieter now, but im nervous that Stripe isn't working consistently....
I don't have screen shots sadly - I will ask my customers to try to grab one if I get the chance, but its frustrating that it was working perfectly since I set it up and then all of a sudden its causing an error message.
I can't tell for sure what could have happened, as if Stripe works for some customers, it works in general in Amelia. Why it didn't work for some customers, it could be that they made mistakes in providing their information, or something like that. That isn't a common behavior, and if Stripe is set properly in Amelia, and it is since you got some bookings and payments using it, it should work for all the same, so I am not sure why this could happen.
If you have the option Check customer's name for existing email when booking enabled in Amelia -> Settings -> Roles settings -> Customer, please disable it, maybe this is causing issues - if these customers are old customers, and they don't provide the exact same name (everything needs to be exactly the same small/big letters, space, etc.) the booking won't go through.
You can test Stripe on your website, couple of times, you can create one coupon on 100% and use it to create several test appointments using your card and see if you encounter the same issue while doing the tests.
I looked at the settings as you suggested and the options were already correctly set so not possible that any of that was the cause. I have a feeling that people are not seeing (in some cases) the box that requires them to put in their Postcode when paying using Stripe - I think the box sometime drops below and people are missing it and not filling it in.
Anyway - I wanted to ask you about the design of Amelia and ask about any possible modifications:
So the very first thing customers see says - 'Bringing anyone with you?'
and then once you toggle this question on - essentially saying yes to the question - it allows you to select how many additional people you want to bring.
I cannot tell you how many customers have misread this and select the total number of people from the dropdown menu. Then they come in for a visit and say that even after going back - and selecting the number again - it still added 1 person on - which of course is because they are not reading it correctly - or at all!
This means that a lot of bookings are going to waste as people are just missing the fact that its ADDITIONAL people you add on the dropdown - but I can understand why this could catch people out, as its not as simple as just having the first part of the booking say:
'How many people would you like to book for?'
with a dropdown menu and they click and select the total number.
I would like to ask if this is possible to change? I think we will be using the booking system all year for next season and I would like to get this sorted before we go in to the next season.
I see that WPKraken (the company lasted at the top of this chat) offer customisations - could the developers or someone amend this to be how I want it?
Thank you for your last message - very interesting.
My business is about to close for the winter and it will allow me 3 months to get things changed before we need the booking system to be working again.
I have no idea about coding and I would be far to scared to try and change anything like this myself. I would also be nervous about a developer doing it - because what would happen when Amelia run an update? would it cause an error or a conflict?
I also looked in to WP Kraken changing this for me - but their prices start at £400 and this is way out of budget for such a fix sadly.
I know you have mentioned this amendment to the developers - having the beginning question be - 'How many people would you like to book for?' instead of the confusing current question. I wonder if there its a way ion finding out if they will change this?
I know you said I am not the first person requesting this change so is there any way to make another request for this and to find out if this its going to be an option in the near future please?
ALSO - the Stripe payment option I mentioned before - the Postcode box doesn't come up until you have filled in all the card details - its not visible beforehand - and many people are missing it when they try to book and get an 'error' message.
If you could check with the developers about whether this issues will be changed I would be so grateful - I would like the system to work better for next year as this year has had many issues (hopefully resolved most of them now).
This feature (changing the Bringing anyone with you) isn't planned for implementation for now, so sadly we can't say if and when it could be implemented/modified in the plugin. Yes, it was requested by some users, but we have a lot of feature requests and most requested ones are in the top of the list for implementation. You can check if there is such request here and vote for it, or if there isn't the same request you can suggest it there as well.
Any customization/change of code done in the plugin would be deleted when you update Amelia, so you would need to apply it again after each update.
You can change the strings (the question you mentioned) if you want using some translation tool like Poedit or Loco translate, but the logic of the option can't be changed this way.
That is the way Stripe works - not for all countries Postcode is requested for payments by Stripe, so it shows up only for countries where it is requested/mandatory field for the payments - and this is recognized only when customers fill in their card details - from the card number it is recognized what is the country of the customer and if it needs the postcode info - so the field shows up when it is needed and it doesn't when it is not needed. So, there isn't a possibility to change this, unfortunately.
This is an emergency!!!
The booking system has a total capacity set of 8 people per 30 minute time slot. We have just had a group of 11 people turn up - there are 2 bookings from the same customer for the same time-slot (totalling 11 people)! How can this be? There are also another 6 bookings on top of that - so 21 people are showing up to visit when there should only be 8 spaces within this slot. I have then checked via the front-end of the bookings and it says that this 19 people booked up slot has availability for 4 more people!!! What has gone wrong?
The back end also shows 2 of the same time-slot (11.30-12) as if one of those bookings hint been taken in to account - but even without that people have still been able to book well over the capacity cap.
I checked the capacity settings and it correctly says 8 - so how have people been able to book more? We don’t seem to have had this issue before or seemingly with any other time-slots. What has happened? I haven’t changed any of the settings, but I know my website assistant did set up the Cron email reminders yesterday - could this have done something to it?
I have checked to see if that slot is still available and I booked the total number too spaces for people that were still showing (4 people) and now after making that booking - it is STILL showing as available for the same number.I have attached screen shots so you can see the 11.30-12 slot and the front end still showing availability of this slot to still be booked even after I booked the full spaces (even though e are over those spaces now by 18 booked people!)
This must be resolved immediately as we cannot cope with these numbers and the booking system is useless if we cannot control the numbers
Please help
This is urgent!
Thank you for looking in to this and for getting back to me about it.
I was sure that it wasn't an issue with my settings because all the other appointments (except the one later the same day 4-4.30 slot) were only allowing 8 people per slot. So it did seem like an anomaly.
I am concerned greatly by the fact that the 4-4.30 slot allowed 9 people to book - its bad enough that it happened once n the sealy slot (when we ended up really busy) but the fact it happened again the same day (to a lesser extent) makes me feel anxious that this is going to happen again.
I would be most grateful to find out how this happened and to be assured it won't happen again.
Thank you
You are welcome, Natalie.
Yes, both time slots are connected and caused by the same issue. Our developers are working on fixing this. As soon as I get some feedback from them I will get back to you. Again, we apologize for any inconveniences this have caused.
Today we had another booking slot allow 9 people to book in a 8 capacity slot.
It was at 2pm today (25th August)
Can someone please help.
This is very bad that this has happened again.
Please get back to me ASAP
Thank you
I have had a couple of customers have an issue booking today - they have explained that they were unable to toggle the 'bringing anyone with you?' on to select the additional people on their booking.
They have also complained about the payment option not working - is someone already looking at the system and has anything been changed?
please advise.
thank you
I just visited your website and the Bringing anyone with you works properly, I tried one test booking and it goes well. Please look at the attachment. Were you able to reproduce the issue on your website that those customers complained about? If yes, please tell me how I can reproduce it as well?
Regarding the payment options, like I mentioned bellow, WooCommerce is enabled on your website and in Amelia. If customers have issues with paying in WooCommerce please check your settings there or reach out to them for support. The payment process in WooCommerce isn't configured in Amelia but WooCommerce.
Sorry, forgot the attachments.
can you please get back to me please.
This issue is causing so many problems.
Hello Natalie
Marija is out of office, so I'll take over this ticket. Please note that we don't work on weekends, and our working hours during business days are from 10:00 - 17:00.
The log-in credentials you provided for Marija don't work anymore:
So, I can't log in and test your setup.
In Payment settings, you need to copy and paste your Live Stripe credentials, which can be found on your Stripe dashboard. When those are added, and saved, paying with cards will be offered as a payment option on your services.
If you don't see it, even though it is configured and enabled, you need to check your Service's settings (Access the service, and go to the Settings tab)/Payments. Check if Stripe is enabled there.
That should help, but if it doesn't work, please provide me wp-admin credentials, so I can take a look.
Remember the ticket is public, so please enable the PRIVATE response.
Kind Regards,
Aleksandar Vuković
[email protected]
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hi marija,
I am having no trouble logging in or looking around the website Wordpress settings
can you try again?
not sure why you would be struggling if I am now - but the world of computers is a mystery.
I am not sure why you cannot access it - ive just gone to the front end website via my laptop and my phone and both loaded fine.
I have also had bookings coming in - which means customers are accessing the site ok.
I can check with my hosting company but they are just going to say that other people are accessing it...
Can you please keep trying? I am getting very frustrated with all this. Nothing seems to work as it should. There have been so many errors.
Hi Natalie,
I was being able to access your website through my phone, sorry about that, not sure why I can't access it from my computer.
As I can see there is the option to choose PayPal or Stripe when you book an appointment on your website, and I see both PayPal and Stripe are on in Settings. So, you just need to choose Stripe (it is the Credit card option - it doesn't say Stripe on the front-end if that was maybe the confusing part) instead of PayPal and you will see Stripe fields for providing card information. Please look at the attachments. If you don't choose Credit card it will go to PayPal, because it is set as the default Payment method in your Payment settings.
Hi Marija,
thank you thank you thank you!
It appears to be working- Ive already had a few payments go through - but when the payment is made there is no Customer name, email address or phone number coming through to Stripe. This is because this info is being entered in the Amelia information boxes and there is no Stripe boxes that ask for this info again (this is understandable, but makes it hard to find the customer payment if there is a need to).
Can a box be added for Stripe within the Amelia plugin so that it asks for the customer name at least?
this would make it much easier to find a customer payment in future
please let me know and thank you so much for all your help with all this.
You are welcome, Natalie
glad to see that it is all well now!
There is a possibility to send information about the customers and appointments from Amelia to Stripe but only as description or metadata, there isn't a possibility of automatically creating a customer in Stripe from Amelia.
You need to edit one table in your database in order to seend data as description or metadata to Stripe. Please access your database, find and open the wp_options table (it can have another prefix rather than wp_ depending on your database) and find the option name amelia_settings there. You need to edit it. You will see a setting payments.stripe in it. You need to set the description parameter enabled to true in the database and also if you want metadata to be sent you need to set the metaData parameter enabled to true as well. Like here :
Then you can copy/paste any placeholder to the appointment and event parameters that you want to be sent to Stripe from Amelia (the placeholders that you can find in Amelia -> Notifications). We put above some placeholders as an example.
I am very very nervous about trying to make these changes without messing everything up...
it is finally working, I will most likely end up breaking it.
Is it possible for you to do this?
Im sorry to ask - I've asked so much of you already. But I won't be able to do this without a lot of stress and probably will end up breaking what's working now!
Thank you for having a look.
Yesterday I had 3 customers ring up saying that when they put their card details in - it wouldn't process, the message they saw said:
'Error processing payment'
I spoke to Stripe yesterday and they checked it their end for me - found nothing wrong. They said that even if a payment doesn't go through - it gets logged as a refused payment - but there is nothing showing up. They said that the likelihood would be the booking plugin not allowing the payment to connect. If it was connecting fine then wether the payment went through or not -Stripe would have the record of it. But is like the connection isn't working.
Now saying all that - this morning - I had 2 more Stripe bookings made - and they successfully paid with a card using stripe. But then later on another customer phoned up with the same 'error processing payment' message. Since this morning we have had zero bookings via stripe... Our business is getting quieter now, but im nervous that Stripe isn't working consistently....
I don't have screen shots sadly - I will ask my customers to try to grab one if I get the chance, but its frustrating that it was working perfectly since I set it up and then all of a sudden its causing an error message.
Not sure what to do?
please advise
thank you
You are welcome, Natalie.
I can't tell for sure what could have happened, as if Stripe works for some customers, it works in general in Amelia. Why it didn't work for some customers, it could be that they made mistakes in providing their information, or something like that. That isn't a common behavior, and if Stripe is set properly in Amelia, and it is since you got some bookings and payments using it, it should work for all the same, so I am not sure why this could happen.
If you have the option Check customer's name for existing email when booking enabled in Amelia -> Settings -> Roles settings -> Customer, please disable it, maybe this is causing issues - if these customers are old customers, and they don't provide the exact same name (everything needs to be exactly the same small/big letters, space, etc.) the booking won't go through.
You can test Stripe on your website, couple of times, you can create one coupon on 100% and use it to create several test appointments using your card and see if you encounter the same issue while doing the tests.
Hi Marija,
thank you for getting back to me.
I looked at the settings as you suggested and the options were already correctly set so not possible that any of that was the cause. I have a feeling that people are not seeing (in some cases) the box that requires them to put in their Postcode when paying using Stripe - I think the box sometime drops below and people are missing it and not filling it in.
Anyway - I wanted to ask you about the design of Amelia and ask about any possible modifications:
So the very first thing customers see says - 'Bringing anyone with you?'
and then once you toggle this question on - essentially saying yes to the question - it allows you to select how many additional people you want to bring.
I cannot tell you how many customers have misread this and select the total number of people from the dropdown menu. Then they come in for a visit and say that even after going back - and selecting the number again - it still added 1 person on - which of course is because they are not reading it correctly - or at all!
This means that a lot of bookings are going to waste as people are just missing the fact that its ADDITIONAL people you add on the dropdown - but I can understand why this could catch people out, as its not as simple as just having the first part of the booking say:
'How many people would you like to book for?'
with a dropdown menu and they click and select the total number.
I would like to ask if this is possible to change? I think we will be using the booking system all year for next season and I would like to get this sorted before we go in to the next season.
I see that WPKraken (the company lasted at the top of this chat) offer customisations - could the developers or someone amend this to be how I want it?
thank you
Hi Marija,
Thank you for your last message - very interesting.
My business is about to close for the winter and it will allow me 3 months to get things changed before we need the booking system to be working again.
I have no idea about coding and I would be far to scared to try and change anything like this myself. I would also be nervous about a developer doing it - because what would happen when Amelia run an update? would it cause an error or a conflict?
I also looked in to WP Kraken changing this for me - but their prices start at £400 and this is way out of budget for such a fix sadly.
I know you have mentioned this amendment to the developers - having the beginning question be - 'How many people would you like to book for?' instead of the confusing current question. I wonder if there its a way ion finding out if they will change this?
I know you said I am not the first person requesting this change so is there any way to make another request for this and to find out if this its going to be an option in the near future please?
ALSO - the Stripe payment option I mentioned before - the Postcode box doesn't come up until you have filled in all the card details - its not visible beforehand - and many people are missing it when they try to book and get an 'error' message.
If you could check with the developers about whether this issues will be changed I would be so grateful - I would like the system to work better for next year as this year has had many issues (hopefully resolved most of them now).
thank you
Hello Natalie,
This feature (changing the Bringing anyone with you) isn't planned for implementation for now, so sadly we can't say if and when it could be implemented/modified in the plugin. Yes, it was requested by some users, but we have a lot of feature requests and most requested ones are in the top of the list for implementation. You can check if there is such request here and vote for it, or if there isn't the same request you can suggest it there as well.
Any customization/change of code done in the plugin would be deleted when you update Amelia, so you would need to apply it again after each update.
You can change the strings (the question you mentioned) if you want using some translation tool like Poedit or Loco translate, but the logic of the option can't be changed this way.
That is the way Stripe works - not for all countries Postcode is requested for payments by Stripe, so it shows up only for countries where it is requested/mandatory field for the payments - and this is recognized only when customers fill in their card details - from the card number it is recognized what is the country of the customer and if it needs the postcode info - so the field shows up when it is needed and it doesn't when it is not needed. So, there isn't a possibility to change this, unfortunately.