  Public Ticket #2499391
Email Notifications


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    Waleed started the conversation

    Hello! I've integrated zoom for appointments but when i tested it sent an email for google meets there is no link for zoom join url. I have included a placeholder as well but its still not working. Kindly check it asap its urgent.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Waleed Afzal,

    Thank you for your purchase. 

    Could you please tell me have you enabled Zoom in your Services and have you connected Employees to Zoom users? Is the Zoom meeting in Zoom created for this Amelia appointment or not? Have you added the placeholders to the Event Title and Event Description field in Amelia -> Settings -> Integrations -> Zoom?

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    Emmanuelle Baeumler replied

    même problème ici. La réunion est bien créée, on récupère le lien dans le rdv du client à partir du planning... un peu contraignant.
    Par contre pour pallier à ce défaut, j'ai fait en sorte que le lien de la réunion soit envoyé dans le mail de confirmation de rdv à mon client. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Emmanuelle,

    If you have an issue with Zoom for your bookings please check if you enabled Zoom in your Services/Events and if you use Services, if you connected Employees to Zoom users. Also, check if you have added the placeholders to the email notifications sent to customers and employees. Please note that the links can't work in test notifications, you need to create real appointments in order to test the placeholders in the notifications. https://wpamelia.com/configuring-zoom/

    If you still have issues with this please open a new private ticket regarding this matter, as you will maybe need to share your credentials , and we will gladly help out. Thank you.