  Public Ticket #2494972
client rescheduling from control panel


  •  1
    Bianca Flood started the conversation


    A client rescheduled their approved appointment via the control panel today. 

    It sent me an email but it automatically set the appointment to approved even though the default setting in general settings is pending.

    How can I change this so that when the client accesses the control panel to change their appointment it will put it in as pending.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Bianca, 

    If the appointment is approved there isn't a possibility in Amelia of changing the status back to Pending if customers reschedule it. The default status option affects only new bookings in Amelia, not rescheduled appointments.

    I understand your use case, I will add this as a feature request to our list, so it can be considered for implementation in the future. 

    For now, if you don't want customers to reschedule their approved appointments (and them to be approved on the new time slot they choose) is to disable the rescheduling for customers completely in Roles settings. 

    If you have any further questions feel free to ask.