  Public Ticket #2489260
Web Hooks


  •  7
    Andrius started the conversation


    we've been facing some difficulties integrating Amelia with Zapier. More accurate documentation would do wonders and save time. Could you guys please explain in more detail (your documentation does not cover this) the different triggers you have:

    1. Booking Completed
      1. What exactly does this mean? New booking submitted by customer? 
      2. Does this get triggered if appointment is created through the backend? 
      3. Does the initial status of the appointment (pending vs confirmed) affect the trigger?
    2. Booking Status Changed
      1. Does it get triggered for new bookings or only for existing bookings when they get modified?

    All the best,

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Andrius, 

    Booking completed - it is triggered for both front-end and back-end bookings, so a hook is sent for both booking appointments on the front-end and in the back-end.

    It is triggered for both default statuses the same, so either the default status is approved or pending the hook is sent after an appointment is booked.

    Booking status changed - it gets triggered only for status changed on bookings already made, it isn't triggered for new bookings.

  •  7
    Andrius replied

    Many thanks for the clarification. I'm sure your other customers would appreciate if if this was added to your documentation.

  • [deleted] replied

    You are welcome, Andrius. Will note that for the documentation revision.

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help.