Could you please tell me are you logging in with one of your employee's credentials to the panel?
I saw you have another issue with not being able to create employees, so could you please tell me have you maybe used the same credentials (your WP admin) for some other testing in the panel, or booking test appointments while logged in to WP? It can be that for both this issue and the other one (in the other ticket for creating employees) the cause is that you have more user roles for same users in your database, if you did testing while logged in to the panel, etc. Also, please make sure that you are logging in to the panel while not logged in to WP as an admin, the same applies for the Customer panel. And if you book appointments while logged in to WP it can add the Customer user role to your user in the database.
Please check your database, table wp_amelia_users ( it can have another prefix rather than wp_ depending on your database) and see there the users that you have, if they have more roles.
I've created admin page with below amelia shortcode:
[ameliaemployeepanel appointments=1 events=1]
After logging in, I'm getting a blank page. Please assist.
Hello ishana,
Could you please tell me are you logging in with one of your employee's credentials to the panel?
I saw you have another issue with not being able to create employees, so could you please tell me have you maybe used the same credentials (your WP admin) for some other testing in the panel, or booking test appointments while logged in to WP? It can be that for both this issue and the other one (in the other ticket for creating employees) the cause is that you have more user roles for same users in your database, if you did testing while logged in to the panel, etc. Also, please make sure that you are logging in to the panel while not logged in to WP as an admin, the same applies for the Customer panel. And if you book appointments while logged in to WP it can add the Customer user role to your user in the database.
Please check your database, table wp_amelia_users ( it can have another prefix rather than wp_ depending on your database) and see there the users that you have, if they have more roles.