  Public Ticket #2476258
Services and categories are invisible


  • Agnieszka started the conversation

    There is a bug on my plugin - I've added the category and services. Unfortunately both categories and services are invisible - I'm unable to create new one or add employees. The plugin doesn't save the presets. Can you help with this issue? Thanks :)


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Agnieszka,

    Thank you for your purchase.

    It can be that you did some testing, booked appointments while logged in to WordPress and that your WordPress user got the Amelia Customer role as well, so the permissions are mixed up. To check this out, you can create a new WP admin user and login with it and see if the issue is the same for that user as well. If the issue is not there for this user, you can re-create your WP admin user or access your database and delete the other roles that your user has, leaving the admin role only, in the table wp_amelia_users.

    Let me know if this helped.