  Public Ticket #2473758
Admin visibility of available appointments


  • charlie started the conversation


    We have a range of appointments available in our system.

    It would be beneficial to be able to see what appointments are vacant (i.e not booked) at a glance. I expected this to be viewable on the dashboard or calendar, but I can't see any way (other than the percentage uptake). But, for example, it would be very useful if we had 20 available appointments in a 2 week period, and only 15 of those were booked, the vacant 5 would also be viewable on the dashboard so we knew what needed to be filled.

    Currently the easiest way I have found of gaining this information is reviewing it on the user side in the booking calendar itself.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Charlie, 

    There isn't a possibility to view the available time slots that haven't been filled with appointments in Amelia with its current built-in features. Only manually by checking the booked appointments and calculating what is left or like you mentioned checking out the front-end booking form - what dates/times are available for booking still.

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask,

  • charlie replied

    Thanks Marija,

    Are you aware if anyone has built this as a functionality? Or could we chat to someone who may be able to assist us? It would be extremely beneficial for our business.



  • [deleted] replied

    You are welcome, Charlie. 

    Unfortunately, such customization isn't covered by our support, and our developers won't have time for any customization in the near future. 

    If you want you can try with some customization services, like Codeable for example, Codeable Custom Solution for Amelia plugin or Kraken  https://wpkraken.io/?tms-plugins (by following the links they would know it is our recommendation).

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help.