  Public Ticket #2473345
Customizing Google Calendar entries when an appointment is made


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    Cynthia started the conversation


    The on-website Calendar works very well, showing the Clients Name and their Type of appointment (phone or in-person).

    However, on Google Calendar, every appointment has a few issues I'd like to correct:

    1. Title customisation: The title of the calendar entry doesn't show the clients name. I'd like it to show eg. 'John Smith, Standard Consultation'. It currently shows as 'Standard Consultation', and has no name for the client when you click on the calendar entry. 

    2. Remove prompts for video or phone call: The calendar entry itself suggests to the client (and the business owner) to hold a Google Meet or get on a phone call. This is obviously very confusing customer service when it should be an in-person meeting! See attached screenshot. 

    Can Amelia be customised to NOT show phone or video conferencing details on Google calendar entries for appointments that are in-person? Or, in fact, for all entries? It would be preferable if the Google Calendar entry didn't show these options at all. 


    I understand that this is most likely a Google calendar setting but wondered if Amelia and GC have sorted this customisation out between you OR if I can adjust what shows on GC via Amelia (web hooks, perhaps?). 

    Thanks so much for your help.

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    Cynthia replied

    Update: I've learnt how to remove the Google Meet option in the Google calendar. You can do it this way: https://support.google.com/meet/thread/44933977?hl=en

    I would still like to know how the Amelia appointment can be formatted correctly BEFORE it gets entered into Google Calendar. Can I use tags like %%client_name%% in the Notifications in Amelia settings?  

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Cynthia,

    Glad to see you managed to find a solution for removing the Google meet link from the Google calendar invites. Thank you for letting us know.

    For any information about appointments in Amelia, you want to have in your Google calendar, you can add placeholders to the fields Event Title and Event Description which you will find in Amelia -> Settings -> Google calendar settings. You can find all the placeholders when you click on </>Show Email Placeholders in Amelia -> Notifications, by clicking on the placeholder in the list you copy it and then you can paste that placeholder to the above mentioned fields in Amelia Settings. 


    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask.