  Public Ticket #2473117
Working Hours


  • Phill Naylor started the conversation

    My employee hours or company hours are not updating in the calendar. 

    I have 10am to 12pm set for the employee and similar in company hours but when I go to book a service I get every option from 6AM on... 

    I'm very discouraged with the setup of this plugin, I hit a road block every single time I try to set something up.. 

    Is there a way to set the time to 12 hours instead of 24? When setting up the scheduler it makes it difficult as we work on a 12 hours clock. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Phill, 

    Could you please check if you have set your City timezone in your WordPress GEneral Settings? As this timezone setting applies to Amelia as well, so there can be a mismatch in the time slots on the front-end and in the back if this isn't set to your timezone. 

    Is there a way to set the time to 12 hours instead of 24? When setting up the scheduler it makes it difficult as we work on a 12 hours clock.

    If you are referring to the Work hours settings, unfortunately, they can't be transferred to the am/pm time format as the library used doesn't support that format. For the front-end time format, the one you choose in your WordPress General Settings applies to Amelia as well.