  Public Ticket #2473081
Client Name


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    Scott started the conversation

    I am currently runs tests of Amelia for my site to ensure that it is configured properly before I launch it publicly. I have noticed that since the first time I have "made an appointment" that the plugin has "locked in" my name and email address.  

    I am using this mainly as a podcast recording booking software, so I have some clients who book on the behalf of their clients. Thus, this setting causes an issue as they will not be able to change the details.  Is there a way to turn this off? 


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Scott, 

    Thank you for your purchase. 

    When someone is booking an apppointment in Amelia while logged in to WordPress their information is prepopulated in the booking form (name, email, phone). There isn't a possibility to disable this. So, if someone wants to book for someone else, other customer, they need to do it while not logged in to WP or from an incognito page.

    Since you booked the appointment while logged in to WP the information you provided are saved in the database in the amelia_users table. In order to change this  you need to go access your database and open the wp_amelia_users table.

    Please note that “wp_” is the default database prefix, but it is possible that you have a different one. So you’re looking for the table “your_prefix_amelia_users”.

    When you access that table, find the name that is displayed in the dashboard, click on “Edit” in that row, and simply change the details there.


    Let me know if this helped or if you have any further questions.

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    Scott replied

    Hey Marija,

    Ok that makes sense to me now! It shouldn't be a huge problem then and if I run into it, I'll inform the clients of what is happening and how to work around it. 

    I appreciate the response. 

    All the best,


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Scott, 

    Glad to see the concern is gone. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help.