  Public Ticket #2473012
Booking multiple groups for one time slot


  • Susan Warren started the conversation

    I am setting up an event that will be for groups of a minimum of 4 with a cap for the time slot of 100. I have it set up as a service, but i see that I have to choose between having a minimum or allowing more than one group to register. I want to know if there is a way to allow bookings to continue until the total number of people reaches 100. I don't care if it's an event or a service or something else, just that i can have multiple groups of at least 4 register.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Susan Warren, 

    Please try this solution and see if it will fit your business needs:

    Disable the option Allow booking below minimum capacity:  in Amelia -> Settings -> Appointments settings and then access your database. In your database you need to find and open the wp-options table, and find the option amelia_settings in it. Then please edit this option and when you find property 'appointments:' there you need to change the option
    openedBookingAfterMin from false to true like here:

    "appointments": {      
            "isGloballyBusySlot": false,        
            "openedBookingAfterMin": true

    Let me know if this helped.

  • Susan Warren replied

    Yes, that worked.

    Thank you very much!

  • [deleted] replied

    Great, glad to see that. Thank you for letting me know. 

    You are welcome. 

    If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to open a new ticket and we will gladly help.

  • Susan Warren replied

    Sorry, I was wrong -- it still lets people register with less than the minimum. It defaults to the minimum, but if they click on the drop-down it will allow them to register with less. If I turn off allow booking below minimum, the date no longer shows as available.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Susan, 

    Could you please tell me have you set this to true 

    "openedBookingAfterMin": true

    and enabled the Minimum setting in Amelia -> Appointments -> Setting? 

    And people can book for less than the minimum in this case?

    If this is true, then your use case can't be achieved with Amelia's built-in features, unfortunately.