  Public Ticket #2472202
Customer Registration


  • Tom started the conversation


    I'm a bit confused with how customer registration works.

    So I have enabled the customer panel and automatically create amelia customer role, so that when somebody make an appointment for the first time, they will automatically be registered as a customer.

    After customer made very first booking, they will receive a confirmation mail and login detail sent from wordpress.

    After changing the password, they will be redirected to wordpress dashboard but I don't want my customers to have access to the dashboad.

    I only want the customers to be accessible to the page with Customer Panel, but if I turn off automatically create amelia customer role it won't send any login details to the customer though it's their first time to register it. So they can make an appointment but don't know their password to login to the panel.

    I have added %customerloginurl% so the customer can go and click the link and go straight to the panel; however, it is not loading anything. Only thing I see after clicking that link is just a header and a footer.

    Also by changing the password from the Customer Panel won't actually change the password of wordpress user.

    So my points are

    ・Don't want customers to see the dashboard panel and the bar.

    ・Send login details after making the first appointment so that they can go and access to the Customer Panel.

    ・The login url ends with ?/token= sent on email is not showing anything

    ・Do customers need both wordpress and Amelia users registration??

    Please give me the solution.

    Thank you!

  • Tom replied

    Sorry the problem why the link wasn’t working was because of my cache.

    But still my question is should the customer be registered as Wordpress user as well?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Tom, 

    Customers don't need to be WordPress users in order to access the Customer panel. If they are WP users they can access it with the same credentials. If they aren't created as WP users they get the customer panel link in their email notifications after they book an appointment in Amelia for the first time. If the option Require password for loginin Amelia-> Settings -> ROles settings is enabled, they will need to create a password for them the first time they access the panel, and later on login to the panel using their credentials. And if that option is disabled, they will access the panel without a password - a token is created for a month so they can access the panel this way.

    Hope this helps.

    If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to ask,