  Public Ticket #2472018
Members tickets?


  • Matthew John Tymus started the conversation


    Liking your plugin but I have 3 questions.

    1) Can I create recurring events with multiple tickets types (for example a event runs every Monday at 9am and has a beginner, intermediate and advanced ticket options)?

    2) Would be possible to create a week pass or a recurring subscription which that user can book on to any event if they have a pass or subscription within that week?

    3) Do you integrate with ZOOM and if you do is this handled via OAuth? 

    Thanks in advance,


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Matthew John Tymus,

    Thank you for your interest in our plugin.

    1) Unfortunately we don't have option to create different ticket types at the moment. We certainly plan to work on this in the future but I cannot say for sure when that will be since we have some other features that we first need to implement.

    2) Unfortunately we also don't have this option at the moment. We plan to work on the packages option but first for the services, not events. We didn't have this kind of request, I will save it on our feature request list for the future so we can track if there is more votes for it.

    3) Yes, we have integration with Zoom but for the integration we use  "Client Credentials" and "access token".

    Best regards.