  Public Ticket #2470935
Is it possible to add multiple locations for a single employee?


  •  2
    Glenn started the conversation

    I'm aware that Amelia normally allows an admin to associate a single Location with each Employee. However, is it possible to associate more than one Location with a single Employee?

    This case involves a single Employee who works across several Locations, so it's important that the booking system displays the correct Location for each activity, and that if an activity is booked the time is blocked across all Locations - e.g. creating two Employee records for the same person leads to Appointment booking clashes, so this doesn't solve the issue.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Glenn Davidson,

    Thank you for contacting us.

    At the moment we have option for employee to work on multiple locations but not at the same time. So, in the employee's working hours when you create periods you can assign different location to each period but you cannot assign multiple locations to one same working period. We plan to work on this limitation in the future, but for now there isn't any workaround for this except creating two same employees that would be connected to the different locations and then connecting them to the same Google calendar so when one employee is booked the other would become unavailable for the same time slot.

    Best regards.

  •  2
    Glenn replied

    Thank you. Not ideal, but at least a possible solution for now. I'll give that a try.